Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

BRIEF “As opportunities to learn about firearms dwindle, so do opportunities to learn the virtues inherent in responsible gun ownership. Far from protecting them from danger, keeping our children from learning about guns leaves them defenseless in situations where that knowledge could be life saving. The best lesson we can teach our children about guns [...]

This is a story I thought you all might be interested in seeing. From a sister WAGC Member! Nancy You can read her words on the WAGC webpage under guns save life- Member stories – links That’s my gal! Susan…. Thumbs up , Lady! ====== The Florida Times-Union Tuesday, July 18, 2000 Have gun, [...]


July 18, 2000

A victory in Wyoming!

July 18, 2000

Wyoming Sheriff’s Assn. won a law suit, in US Dist. court. Now any federal agencies must get permission of county sheriff before entering county. The story is at;

BLAGOJEVICH is trying to ban a gun that accounts to <b><i>503</i></b> out of 18,729 weapons. He is wanting it banned because: -Gangs use it -It is specifically designed to kill people -It does not enhance a gun collectors collection -It killed a first grade girl My reply: -Gangs use all types of guns -All guns [...]

Jailed killer murders girlfriend A convicted murderer who killed his girlfriend by beating her round the head with a brick while on day-release from prison has been sentenced to a second life term. Mark Leicester, 38, pleaded guilty at Leicester Crown Court to battering mother-of-two Margaret Thomson to death in April last year. The pair [...]

Very interesting article! Here is my assessment of the information: -The blame on violent crime is blamed on *alcohol*. -The opportunity for crime is blamed on a waning police force. Are they going to, then ban alcohol? ========== Rising crime means calls for more police officers A dramatic rise in violent crime has been revealed [...]


July 18, 2000

Boy Fires Gun in School Cafeteria and Flees UPI Tuesday, July 18, 2000 RENTON, Wash. ? A 13-year-old other students said had talked about killing a teacher fired a shot inside the cafeteria of a Seattle-area middle school where summer school classes were in session. No injuries were reported. King County authorities said the youth, [...]

pro 2nd Amendment Speech

July 18, 2000

Outline 4/19/99 Tyree White [email protected] Specific Goals: I want to encourage gun ownership. Introduction I. What is the foundation of modern technology? It’s the history of the gun. Thesis Statement: I will persuade you in that, (1) federal gun control laws are unconstitutional, and (2) I will prove the 2nd Amendment is both a “State” [...]

pro 2nd Amendment

July 18, 2000

Outline 4/19/99 Tyree White [email protected] Specific Goals: I want to encourage gun ownership. Introduction I. What is the foundation of modern technology? It’s the history of the gun. Thesis Statement: I will persuade you in that, (1) federal gun control laws are unconstitutional, and (2) I will prove the 2nd Amendment is both a “State” [...]

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