Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Oops, Wrong Pawn Shop: A robbery attempt in southwest Houston ended with gunshots and a suspect being taken to the hospital. Saturday evening, investigators say that two men walked into the Bayou pawn shop off Fondren near Clarewood with guns drawn. The manager reportedly grabbed a gun and fired at the men. One of the [...]
Pelosi: ‘We Want Registration’; Holder: 2A Won’t ‘Stand in the Way’; SAF: ‘Gloves are off’
Pelosi: ‘We Want Registration’; Holder: 2A Won’t ‘Stand in the Way’; SAF: ‘Gloves are off’ Date: Apr 8, 2009 2:21 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE PELOSI: ‘WE WANT REGISTRATION’; HOLDER: 2A WON’T ‘STAND IN THE WAY’; SAF: ‘GLOVES ARE OFF’ BELLEVUE, WA Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on April 7 acknowledged that gun registration is on [...]
EDITORIAL: Anti-reason on guns
EDITORIAL: Anti-reason on guns When Tim Kaine campaigned for Virginia governor in 2005, he ran an ad implying that former National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston was praising him. His campaign claimed that “Tim Kaine strongly supports the Second Amendment.” Once he won office, Mr. Kaine vetoed one gun bill after another that would have [...]
Self defense – South Carolina Style:
South Carolina authorities say two would-be robbers have been killed by a man at a home in Denmark. Bamberg County Sheriff Ed Darnell told The Times and Democrat of Orangeburg that the gunmen entered the home late Monday night and ordered the people inside to the floor. Darnell says a man in the house had [...]
Repeal of the Second Amendment
Repeal of the Second Amendment Date: Mar 31, 2009 2:04 PM Repeal of the Second Amendment LA Gun Rights Examiner by John Longenecker “In a debate that is announced properly as a prize fight — aired on and elsewhere — the repeal of the Second Amendment to our Bill of Rights is now fiercely [...]
CNN: Even With Obama Gun Control Agenda, Gun Owners ‘Might Even Be Date: Mar 31, 2009 6:10 PM Saying there is no interest in enacting gun control, except for semiautomatic firearms is like saying sex offenders are not interested in crime, except for rape. Aren’t you glad CNN has determined your rights aren’t threatened? Click [...]
2A: CHECK OUT BIG HOLLYWOOD Date: Mar 31, 2009 7:39 PM > > ================ > Backdoor-ing the Second Amendment > By Jeffrey Jena > Actor and comic > BIG HOLLYWOOD > March 31, 2009 > > > > > ‘Chuck’ Teaches Us Not To Leave Our Gun At Home > By John Lott > Senior [...]
Oops, Wrong House: A Metro man takes on a man with a knife …
…..wins. Maurice Johnson was catching up on some sleep Thursday afternoon when his burglar alarm sounds. He awakes to a man in his house in the 4300 block of North Blackwelder. “I see a guy in a big black jacket holding a knife about that size and he tells me basically turn the alarm off [...]
U.S. Senator Defends American Gun Owners?Again
U.S. Senator Defends American Gun OwnersAgain Friday, March 27, 2009 As previously reported, the attempt to blame Americas lawful gun owners and its gun laws for the horrific violent acts of Mexican drug cartels continues, spurred on by Secretary of State Clinton and her foray south of the border. Fortunately, gun owners do have some [...]
VA-ALERT: Freelance-Star article on gun boom
VA-ALERT: Freelance-Star article on gun boom Date: Mar 28, 2009 9:51 AM ———————————————————————- VCDL’s meeting schedule: ———————————————————————- Abbreviations used in VA-ALERT: ———————————————————————- With a gun show in Richmond this weekend, we’ll see if the recent uptick in gun and ammo sales continues. I expect it will. Here is a nicely done article by [...]