Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Minnesota carry law
“Tens of thousands more Minnesotans licensed to carry handguns in public haven’t turned the state into the Wild West shootout that gun-control advocates warned of.” Where has it EVER turned a state into the “bloody wild west”? Another gun control LIE? I’d say so! ———————————————————————— Minnesota carry law Date: Mar 30, 2007 11:41 AM [...]
Ont. Liberal wants restrictions or possible ban on sale of handgun ammunition Date: Mar 30, 2007 9:44 AM PUBLICATION: Canadian Press Newswire DATE: 2007.03.29 CATEGORY: National General News BYLINE: KEITH LESLIE WORD COUNT: 318 ———————————————————————— ——– Ont. Liberal wants restrictions or possible ban on sale of handgun ammunition ———————————————————————— ——– TORONTO (CP) _ Police officers [...]
Fwd: What were they thinking ?!
Fwd: What were they thinking ?! Date: Mar 29, 2007 10:46 PM Hey Brady Bunch, Ga has that law too, will ya come put up a few of those signs around here? please? —————————————- This is good…we need more of these. > >Subject: What were they thinking ?! >Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:52:37 +0000 [...]
My Transformation From Anti-Gun Feminist To Armed Feminist
My Transformation From Anti-Gun Feminist To Armed Feminist by Katherine von Tour GOA Member ? 1999 Most people who support the Second Amendment have probably wondered at one time or another how to change the thinking of anti-gunners. Since I was once a staunch gun-control proponent, including being a member of Handgun Control Incorporated (HCI) [...]
Mother Of Suicide Loss Chooses Pro-gun Stance
Mother Of Suicide Loss Chooses Pro-gun Stance by Brenda Bernard Flowers Colorado Aug 1999 My only child, Kimberly, committed suicide with a “handgun.” My life has taken many twists and turns like the rest of you, but few parents experience the impact and devastation of tragically losing a child. I grieve not only the loss [...]
Have gun, will not fear it anymore
Have gun, will not fear it anymore Tuesday, July 18, 2000 (Published at the urgent request of Susan Gonzalez herself) By Paul Pinkham Times-Union staff writer Bleeding and weakened from the bullet wound in her chest, Susan Gonzalez aimed her husband’s .22-caliber pistol, the one she hated, and emptied it into one of the [...]
Forgive me, for I have sinned.
Forgive me, for I have sinned. An About Face After Being Saved by a Gun Owner Sent in by Brian Clifford, from his Dear Friend I am one of those people who you loathe. One of those invisible people who come into your living room without asking your permission. One of those people who follow [...]
Re: The Second Amendment IS Our Equal Rights Amendment!
The Day I Discovered That HCI Wants Me Dead by Tamara K. The one time I called 911 was on a prowler who had chased my ex-roomie into our apartment the previous day. She was so scared she wouldn’t leave the apartment til I got home from work, so I borrowed her cell phone, figuring [...]
A Mother’s Take on an MMM Event
A Mother’s Take on an MMM Event by Rebecca Anderson Treasurer-Elect NRAMCMB My husband and I attended the MMM event at UCSC on Sunday 12/3/2000. I tried to attend the group’s “open” meeting in October and was turned away so technically this was my second contact with the MMM. I think we were allowed in [...]
I Am Woman, Hear Me Shoot!
Am Woman, Hear Me Shoot! by Melissa Seaman Newslinks Director, Webmaster, [email protected] Armed Females of America — They tell you in the anti-gun women’s magazines to be aware of your surroundings and to take precautions so you are not caught in high-risk situations. (Don’t go out by yourself at night; don’t go into [...]