Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
More antgun nonsense
MORE ANTI-GUN NONSENSE Here we go with another silly-assed attempt to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. It’s called the “First Monday 2000″ campaign. Its organizers, the Alliance for Justice, hope to capitalize on the gun control support created by the Million Myrmidon March. They want to inspire students from law, nursing, [...]
ALERT: Do You Want to Live Under Such Laws?
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization Date: July 12, 2000 ALERT: Do You Want to Live Under Such Laws? Here is an example of how a government, the state of Israel, has severely restricted the individual right to firearms ownership. See (English & Hebrew) The gun [...]
Britons demand apology for ‘The Patriot’ ,or “Good, It’ll make somebody pick up a book”
Britons demand apology for ‘The Patriot’ AP LONDON Wednesday 12 July 2000 Twisting history: Britons are demanding an apology from Hollywood for the way it has re-written history and damaged Britian’s reputation in such recent films The Patriot, Saving Private Ryan and U571. Already smarting from Hollywood’s revisionist bent in a succession of quasi-historical films, [...]
New Web Site – Need Testers
Hi all! I’ve been absent for a while, but with good reason. I’ve been spending every spare moment working on the Washington State Chapter’s WAGC web site. Lunch hours, breaks, (ok and some time on the clock, too … shhhhhh). Anyway, it is online and I would appreciate it if those more brave and adventurous [...]
Appeals Court Rules FBI Can Keep Gun Records
Appeals Court Rules FBI Can Keep Gun Records (Clintler’s judges in DC violate law) Source: Washington Compost Author: Bill Miller Posted on 07/12/2000 Appeals Court Rules FBI Can Keep Gun Records By Bill Miller Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 12, 2000; Page A21 A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the FBI can hold [...]
Safe Streets and Cities CCW Program
Safe Streets and Cities CCW Program Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Dear Tennessee Friend of the Second Amendment: Memphis Councilman Brent Taylor has kicked off a major pro-Second Amendment initiative. Taylor was the only member of the Memphis Council to [...]
Any Central Park updates?
Has anyone heard anything more on Central Park? I’ve been wondering if anyone has filed any charges against the police department or even if the police department have apprehended any of the males who attacked the women? Great Britain and Gun Control: With Neither Liberty nor Safety Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D. Tuesday July 11, 2000 Great Britain, which gave birth to the great political philosophy of classic liberalism and to America, the flowering of Western civilization, is in moral decline. Not content with holding Gen. Augusto Pinochet hostage, Britain now [...]
The Gun-Grabbers: Vultures by their Own Admission
Reprinted with permission from Guns Magazine, August 2000. (C)opyrighted 2000, Guns Magazine; All rights reserved.”> WITH GHOULISH INTENT by Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen Simon Chapman, an associate professor of public health in Sydney, Australia, and an avowed gun-control advocate, has a gruesome recipe for advancing the cause of firearm-prohibition. His intentions [...]
Sensible Gun Laws by Dr. Michael S. Brown
Sensible Gun Laws by Dr. Michael S. Brown Date: 7/11/2000 8:52:00 PM Written By: Dr. Michael S. Brown SENSIBLE GUN LAWS by Dr. Michael S. Brown The latest sound bite employed by the anti-gun lobby is the call for “sensible gun laws”. With over 20,000 gun laws in America and untold thousands in other countries, [...]