Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The Second Amendment is about Self Defense by Ron Willis, Detective Gresham, Oregon Police The Second amendment is about self defense. It is not about hunting, and it is not about the approaching King’s Royal Army. It was and is about self defense. That is just as important today as it was in 1776, or [...]
Adele, Annie, Dave, Gordon, Howard & others interested…
Please let me know what you think of my “Cities geographically similar to Boise” posting, about four pages back. I have no doubt that your opinions will differ (it’s July and I love fireworks-ha!).
News Story:Handgun charged with homocide
Los Cruces, NM-Today, a Glock 23 handgun was officially charged with the brutal murder of two children, one of the 13 killed by handguns everyday in America, earlier this year. Children should be anxiously awaiting Saturday morning cartoons, but that’s not what happened. Instead, terror gripped these children at 3:00 AM, February 12. That’s when [...]
Did you find anything interesting regarding scrimshaw pistol stocks? I still have that custom 1911 that is crying out for a set of pretty stocks. I’m undecided: I’m thinking of ivory scrimshaw (considering having my initials put in it in fancy lettering like Gen Patton-I always liked that!) or stag from AJAX or something like [...]
Gunlocks required in the home?
Mayor might pursue gun law BY LESLEY CLARK [email protected] TALLAHASSEE — Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas, who has waged a two-year crusade against gun violence, said Tuesday he is inclined to seek a county law requiring locks on firearms in Miami-Dade homes. The mayor’s comment came on the heels of a written opinion by state Attorney [...]
Buying back what they never owned??
I have always wondered if tere was a certain psychological purpose behind the term “buyback” as it relates to guns. The government never owned them, therefore, they are not buying it back, they are merely buying it. Be that as it may, the line of the article is: Another potential seller is Gary, who asked [...]
News Flash:Big Brother *is* watching you after all!!
The Feds Can Read Your E-Mail Wednesday, July 12, 2000 First it was Echelon, the global eavesdropping system Uncle Sam and John Bull have been using to spy on satellite-transmitted phone calls, e-mails and fax messages. Now it?s Carnivore, the FBI?s newest electronic snooping device that can read your e-mail right off your mail [...]
“Hi, I’m Janet Reno. And I am here to say, a gun free home makes my invasions a lot easier”
Group Offers New Gun Control Effort By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) – Two Cabinet members lent support Tuesday to a private effort intended to recruit college students for a gun-control campaign. “We are still one of the most violent nations in the world,” Attorney General Janet Reno told Tuesday’s audience of about [...]
Own a gun or pay a fine law
Interesting story where a state legislator is trying to make such a law come true. A way to strike back at the anti-gunners. News at the “shocked man” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Trouble viewing? Disable java support on your web browser & make your font smaller.
Stolen guns in buyback…or, “Crime does pay!”
July 5, 2000, 9:20PM City gun buyback program yields eight stolen weapons By S.K. BARDWELL Copyright 2000 Houston Chronicle Eight of the 762 guns turned in during a gun buyback program conducted in May are stolen weapons, Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford said Wednesday. Testing is under way to determine whether any of the hundreds [...]