Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

I Am Alive, No Thanks to Gun Control by Hillel Goldstein There are times in our lives when many of our most basic assumptions come under a barrage from the heavy artillery of reality. Some of us receive such a wake-up call in the form of a life-threatening event that literally shatters our lives. It [...]

From: [email protected] Subject: ACTION: Gun-grabbing Doctors: An E-pamphlet For Patients Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2000 21:53:29 EDT DRGO ALERT TO GUN OWNERS AND THEIR FAMILIES: Do you own a gun? How many guns do you have? Do your children have access to guns in your home? Did you know that having a gun in your [...]

the 2A Police Department

July 10, 2000

The Second Amendment Police Department is very pleased to announce the addition of our newest contributors, including an Australian viewpoint by Senior Constable Shane James, Victoria PD. Also new to our site but familiar to many on the Internet is Joe Horn, LASD Ret. Detective Ron Willis, Gresham OR PD expresses an opinion of [...]

Crime rise adds to Blair woes Policing crime: special report Nicholas Watt and Alan Travis Monday July 10, 2000 Tony Blair will attempt to bury details of an alarming rise in violent crime across the country by publishing a series of embarrassing Home Office statistics on the same day as Gordon Brown unveils his headline-grabbing [...]

This is not a gun article, but a demonstration of how what our Declaration and Constitution see as unalienable rights are taken away… – NATIONAL Finding ‘restricts’ freedom of speech By MIKE SECCOMBE A finding that The Australian Financial Review had vilified Palestinians by publishing a critical article on its opinion page established a precedent [...]

Subj: Here’s a poll you won’t see in Time Magazine Date: 7/9/00 1:54:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time POLL START DATE: 5/20/99 Gun Control 1. Should the U.S. have stricter gun control laws? Yes 23.79% No 75.35% Not Sure 0.84% 2. How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and the assault-weapons ban in [...]

FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED JULY 9, 2000 EDITORS: A SHORTER VERSION OF THIS COLUMN, AT 1,150 WORDS, ALSO MOVES THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz The two most threadbare ‘gun control’ lies I don’t know if they’re the two (start ital)biggest(end ital) lies told by the victim disarmament gang, but they’re easily the [...]

Why 7-11 is Anti-Gun

July 8, 2000

Ok, folks. I have been going round and round trying to find out why 7-11 was on the NRA-ILA list of anti-gun businesses. They swear that they aren’t anti-gun, and don’t take a position one way or the other. I finally got in touch with NRA-ILA and asked them what the scoop was. Apparently, 7-11 [...]

Is this gun stolen

July 8, 2000

I’m serious. I want to know what you think — Charlotte, Adele, Carrie, yes Dave. Nancy. Gordon – please be quiet.

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