Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 [...]
When the government is no longer for the people…
U.S. Sides With Iran Over Terrorist Victim July 3, 2000 The Clinton-Gore administration admits destroying 900 subpoenaed records needed to force Iran to compensate an American family whose daughter died in a terrorist attack. The victim’s father is alleging the Justice Department got rid of its own files deliberately to avoid having to seize [...]
Guns are Tyranny Control – Rick’s website
RKBA Defenders, The “Guns Are Tyranny Control” website has moved. The old URL was: The new URL is: This site home to: – The National RKBA Directory; – RKBA International – The Second Amendment Attorneys Page, and; – Kids, Drugs, Guns and ‘PsychoPolitics.’ My old webpage provider suddenly put browser-choking javascript and popups [...]
Rosie O’Donut-butt is still complaining about the local Police searching her security guard. Apparently they found him sitting in his car outside of a nursery school that O’Donut-butt sends her adopted child to: >>>The Greenwich police department approached him, on private property, and demanded to search him and his car, without a search warrant, looking [...]
An ad for what appears to be a good book
My book titled A Little Handbook on the Second Amendment: What the American aristocracy Doesn’t Want You to Know is listed on This is the only place it can be purchased, except for the possibility mentioned below. The URL is 1272240 Often people who support the right to keep and bear arms do [...]
Youth Leadership Opportunity Available Now!
Here’s some more sewage from the MMM. They’re paying $10.00/hour to kids who will support their cause. Know any real mean kids to sic on’em? And this “Packard Foundation.” What can I say? Fools and their money. I see boycott potential. Do they sell anything? Any relation to Hewlett Packard or Packard-Bell? BTW-Wayne LaPierre’s still [...]
Yesterday my husband and I took our five children to Kerasotes Theatre in Columbus, Indiana to see The Patriot. We enjoyed the movie. We took the idea from the Paul Revere Network to pass out the poem, “A Vision From The Past”. Our children were so excited about this, as we had all agreed this [...]
Free Country
After a bout with the flu, and the normal operation recovery time, it was nice to go out tonight. Steak is stll a bit tough for my jaw so I stuck with Grilled Salmon…had a couple of glasses of Gentleman Jack when I got home and watched a Sam Elliott western on the VCR with [...]
Latest Kalifornia Socialist Madness
California Brown Shirts> SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 14 /U.S. Newswire/ — Calling it a “disturbing invasion of family privacy,” the Libertarian Party of California today attacked a bill in the state Legislature that would require children as young as five years old to be asked intrusive, personal questions such as whether or not their parents [...]
Homeowner Shoots Assailants
Homeowner shoots assailants BY SANDRA MARQUEZ GARCIA [email protected] A West Kendall homeowner wounded and captured two burglars with their own guns Friday after they stormed into his home posing as Drug Enforcement Administration agents. A third suspect escaped on foot. Dressed in police-style raid jackets and flashing badges, the two men and a woman knocked [...]