Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Local Gunophobe

June 27, 2000

This was published in our local rag, “The Daily World” ( We could make bullets a controlled substance – June 21, 2000 A terrible poison has invaded our country. It can kill within minutes or its victims can linger for weeks. It is found in homes, in cars and sometimes in schools. Its method of [...]

Gang Busters

June 27, 2000

I still laugh every time I think of this, even though its been years… Back when I was a gung-ho rook, I used to spend my nights off downtown. I’d usually hang out at the 7/11 and drink free coffee, flirt with the U-Tote-Em Queen, and BS with the guys on shift. It never occured [...]

Last night while finally coming in for a landing about 11:30p.m. I seen this article in the Guns & Ammo- August issue- I think it may interest some of you- Shari LeGate, executive dorector of the Women’s Shooting SPorts Foundation in Colorado Springs, contacted the Colorado coordinator of the anti-gun Million Mom March which was [...]

Thomas Sowell

June 27, 2000

“More than 90 percent of all uses of guns in self-defense do not involve actually firing the weapon, despite gun control advocates’ assumption that we are all such trigger-happy idiots that letting ordinary citizens have guns will lead to bullets flying hither and yon. Like virtually every other liberal crusade, gun control is based on [...]

Jeff Cooper

June 27, 2000

>>>Since it is political liberty, over and above gun ownership, that we are fighting for, I disdain pleas to “compromise.” The remarkable people who gave us this country were quite ready to sacrifice their lives for the principle of political liberty. God grant that we may be worthy of them!<<< Jeff Cooper-NRA Board Member. Heston, [...]

Motherly Advice

June 26, 2000

I found this in Reason-Online. It gives a good comparison of gun registration vs. car registration. Motherly Advice By Jacob Sullum A couple years ago, the Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan had a banner above its entrance condemning police brutality. I thought of it when I saw the headline over the New York Times [...]

Trigger Lock Failure!

June 26, 2000

| Friday, June 23, 2000 10-year-old boy critically injured in accidental shooting DALE CITY, Va. (AP) – A 10-year-old Dale City boy suffered critical injuries Thursday when his teen-age brother accidentally shot him in the face. The boys retrieved a revolver from under their parents’ bed after the parents left the home for doctors’ [...]

The British weren’t nearly as bad as depicted in this film, and only about 40% of the colonists actively supported the rebellion. (The rest, like a lot of gunnies, were too lazy to get off their rear ends.) Despite any historical inaccuracies that afflict Patriot, most important is the film’s message: It is morally correct [...]

Pink Guns (part. 2)

June 26, 2000

There is a very interesting article about one of the newest groups to join the 2nd Amendment fight (on our side – yay!)

FORT WORTH — Gov. George W. Bush says he is for reform, but a majority of Texans — even those among his supporters — are unable to say how Bush has improved the government since taking office in 1995, a recent poll shows. The Texas Poll, conducted by Scripps-Howard for the `Star-Telegram and other media [...]

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