Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Great Letter , Rick !

June 25, 2000

I know you mean well. Both you and I seek the safety of every man, woman and child in existence. You think that by passing a law banning guns, that somehow children will be safer. To believe that, you must have an incredible, vast ignorance of history. History, which continues to teach the same lessons [...]



June 25, 2000

There is one heck of a storm outside so I’m turning off the computer and taking a pill…see y’all later!

There is evidence that the orginal Million Mom March was disbanded and its name transferred to two other organizations, the Bell Campaign and the Californians for Responsible Gun Laws. > At the time of the Million Mom March on Mother’s Day > 2000, the march was a project of a 501(c)(3) charity > called [...]

Tom Clancy

June 25, 2000

and he writes a lot of fiction but he also does non-fiction. Mostly the workings of military units and such…I like his fiction better and supposedly there’s a new one coming out next month. Now, I’m going to get some rest….. Back to story Saturday, June 24, 2000 Has Zero Tolerance Gone Too Far? By LESLIE PARRILLA Los Angeles Unified School District board members are scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether to eliminate the use of air rifles and dummy air rifles from the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs in its high schools. The [...]

To Disarm the people!

June 24, 2000

Check it out! Canada

>> Contents of this post >> News Story >> Simple Security Protection >> What to do with snooper’s information – – – – – – – – – Uncle Sam is keeping an eye on you online big time By LANCE GAY Scripps Howard News Service June 23, 2000 WASHINGTON – While President Clinton has [...] Sam Francis (archive) June 23, 2000 Legal guns would end New York’s ‘wildings’ Can it be only a coincidence that the mob attacks on women during the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City took place only a week or so after the controversy about the National Rifle Association’s plan to open a [...]

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