Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Freedom is Not a Loophole by Ari Armstrong Background registration checks on gun buyers don’t stop criminals, they make it harder for honest people to defend their families. But the group Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic, the name of which likens gun ownership to a disease, wants to expand background registration checks in Colorado [...] In the Absence of Guns – In Britain, defending your property can get you life. by Mark Steyn Celebrity news from the United Kingdom: In April, Germaine Greer, the Australian feminist and author of The Female Eunuch, was leaving her house in East Anglia, when a young woman accosted her, forced her back inside, [...] 6/14/00 10:05 a.m. Packing the Peace Don’t underestimate the deterrent effect of an armed population. By Dave Kopel & Linda Gorman of the Independence Institute eople who hate guns see more gun laws as a no-lose proposition: either the law works (so we’re better off) or it doesn’t (so things are unchanged). But this [...]

Number of Rampage Victims Hits 16 By ALICE McQUILLAN, BARBARA ROSS and CORKY SIEMASZKO Daily News Staff Writers As the investigation of the Central Park rampage broadened to include police officers, nine new victims came forward yesterday ? boosting the number of women assaulted Sunday from seven to 16. Their stories mirror the accounts given [...]

Interesting facts

June 15, 2000

64% of child-abduction killers have convictions for crimes against children. 45% have convictions for sexual assault 31% for rape or attempted rape 28% for murder or attempted murder of a child, 19% for kidnaping a child 27% are on parole or probation Question..if the Million Moron Marchers are really attempting to protect the child, why [...]

C. Heston

June 15, 2000

“He [President Clinton] boasts about 186,000 people denied firearms under the Brady Law rules. The Brady Law has been in force for three years. In that time, they have prosecuted seven people and put three of them in prison. You know, the President has entertained more felons than that at fundraising coffees in the White [...]


June 15, 2000

Nancy, I inquired how I might contact the author of your post “Legally Speaking: Be careful …” on June 13; you never responded. Perhaps you didn’t see it. I’m VERY interested in following up on this information. ADELE; if Nancy is unable or unwilling to provide the info, do you have any regarding that particular [...]

Oh that’s right, according to the misguided morons , it’s not a violent act unless guns are used, is it?…. ——– Two Fattally Slashed (that means a knife was used as the TOOL in this act of violence) in NJ standoff A Newwark NJ man killed his wife and mother in law by slashing their [...]

loophole or endless loop

June 14, 2000

Maybe if the government made failure to register a felony, we could all refuse, get convicted, and exercise our 5th Amendment right against self incrimination, thus avoiding registration ;^)

For those of you who have been paying particular attention to Canada’s implementation of draconian gun control laws, I can relay some good news. The first cracks in the whole registry and licensing system are beginning to show as non-compliance and low registration volumes have forced the federal government in Ottawa to lower some user [...]

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