Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Are guns useful for defending against tyrants?
Are guns useful for defending against tyrants? Why not ask A. Solzhenitsyn, author and victim of the Russian Gulags: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return [...]
BLOOMFIELD PRESS 12629 N. Tatum #440, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone 602-996-4020, Fax 602-494-0679 800-707-4020, ————————————- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ? ? ? June 11, 2000 ? ? ? Contact: Felicity Bower 1-800-707-4020 ? ? ? “50-MILLION-ROUND MARCH” SET FOR DAD’S DAY “50-MILLION-ROUND MARCH” SET FOR DAD’S DAY Parents Day Hopelessly Politicized Parents Day Hopelessly Politicized [...]
Legally Speaking: Be Careful What You Ask For When Advocating Enforcement by Karen L. MacNutt – Posted: 06.09.00 My client looked distinctly uncomfortable. He was, after all, the vice president of a local bank, deacon of his church, and, to all his neighbors, a model citizen.” So,” I asked, “How can I help you?” “It [...]
suggested reading….
Suggested reading As a starting point I suggest asking at your closest library for any of the following; “The Samurai, the Mountie, and the Cowboy” by David Kopel “The Swiss and their Guns” by Kopel “Crime, Deterrence, and Right to Carry Concealed Handguns” by John Lott “More Guns, Less Crime” also by John Lott “Multiple [...]
Welcome to…The Great Australian Gun Law Con
GUN CONTROL: ENOUGH ALREADY! (OP-ED) Fair use…. GUN CONTROL: ENOUGH ALREADY! Opinion by Ed Stone, Contributing Writer The ultimate aim of “Gun Control” is really gun abolition. Don’t believe me? “Gun Control” in England began with a ban on handguns, followed by a ban on semi-automatic rifles, which is now being followed by pressure from the media to eliminate shotguns. (Kopel, [...]
The Second Amendment (LEPSA) LEPSA is an excellent pro 2A police organization..
Kids and Guns
Subject:OT – Son shoots mother’s attacker. Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 11:57:47 EDT From: [email protected] To:[email protected] ([email protected]) Dateline: June 09, 2000 Oklahoma City. After breaking into a neighboring apartment and raping the woman inside, Christopher Baker, 17, forced his way into another apartment. However, this time he was met by James Barkley, son of Linda [...]
I refuse to be a victim – period!
After subjecting myself to edition after edition of the local and national news, it’s obvious to me that I can’t rely on laws that criminals ignore to protect my life. I’ve shared those concerns with people who are familiar with this subject from various points of expertise. My lawyer told me that I would be [...]