Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Just Say No To Guns (Cartoon)
—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization Date: June 9, 2000 References for Rosie v. Reality article now available on-line In response to many requests, the references for the article entitled: “Rosie v. Reality: What Every Woman Must Know” are now available [...]
This is for you, Carrie I found this message board called Gun Violence. You might want to check it out. There is a post on there I think you would be interested in replying too.! Have fun Justine
So You Want to See Me Naked (from GOA)
I read this and just had to re-post it here. Re-posted from GUn Owners of America So You Want To See Me Naked? By Linda A. Prussen-Razzano This article first appeared on Enter Stage Right. Reprinted by permission of the author. These days, when I retire in the evening, I am afforded the comfort [...]
Gun Control
Gun Control? Something to think about… “In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.” “In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.” “Germany established [...]
Can’t find a debate…
So I hopped onto a search engine and started looking for an anti-gun discussion board (I desperately want to go irritate some antis ) and guess what I found? A whole lot of pro-gun sites and not one single solitary anti-gun discussion board or chat room. Now, maybe I’m just not looking well enough. Anybody [...]
Another anti-gunner starts to wake up
Found at: Posted by Melissa ([email protected]) on Tue, Feb 8, 00 at 16:12 First let me say I believe there needs to be some sort of gun control in our country. I also believe doctors need to be held accountable for their ‘mistakes’ I found these statics rather alarming….what do you think? a. Number [...]
Women Gun Owners Speak Out
May 12, 2000 Women Gun Owners Speak Out In this election year, gun control advocates have seized on the idea that ?women? hate guns and will vote for candidates who promise stricter gun control. As a matter of fact, the number of women who own guns has almost doubled in the past ten years. In [...]
Kids in Cars
FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED JUNE 14, 2000 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz ‘There Oughtta Be A Law,’ Chapter 417… Some terrible things have happened when kids were left alone in cars. Over the past decade, 82 children have suffered heat-related deaths in vehicle passenger compartments, while at least 20 have died after [...]
So you hate guns and think they’re bad?
May 12, 2000 So you hate guns and think they’re bad? By Anita K. Blair That?s OK. In America you have the right to think whatever you want. But please do think. Think about whether the ?facts? you hear from professional anti-gun organizations are really true. And think about whether their proposals for controlling or [...]