Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

My list…

June 5, 2000

It seems that the list of things NEVER to do just keeps getting longer. For example, previously I have determined that we should never allow a draft dodging, pot smoking, weenie waving liar into the White House and we’ve watched the mess that has been created in the last few years just get bigger. Now [...]

Moms With Guns

June 5, 2000

Moms With Guns by Diane Alden In the mailbox the other day was a fat envelope filled with lots of neat stuff. Coupons, an insurance policy, a sticker for my car, a plastic membership card with my name on it. My eldest son’s belated Mother’s Day gift, a membership to the National Rifle Association. It [...]

ENGLISH USAGE EXPERT INTERPRETS 2ND AMENDMENT by J. Neil Schulman July 17, 1991 California Libertarian Party I just had a conversation with Mr. A.C. Brocki, Editorial Coordinator for the Office of Instruction of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Mr. Brocki taught Advanced Placement English for several years at Van Nuys High School, as well [...]

PLEASE POST FOR ALL TO SEE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ============================================================ This information is being sent to you for your information and to do with it what you may. SOURCE: Nat’l Rifle Assoc. Posted: 2000-03-28 ============================================================ Anti-Gun Corporations/Corporate Heads ============================================================ The following listing includes the most prominent national corporations that have lent their corporate [...]

-CITE- 10 USC Sec. 311 01/05/99 TITLE 10 – ARMED FORCES Subtitle A – General Military Law PART I – ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERS CHAPTER 13 – THE MILITIA Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes -STATUTE- (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age [...]

> > Paul Harvey read this on his radio show. > > > > For the life of me, I can’t understand what could have gone wrong > > with all the shootings in schools. If only the parents had kept their > > children away from the guns, we wouldn’t have had such a [...]

Remarks by James Jay Baker, Executive Director, NRA Institute for Legislative Action at the 129th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Charlotte, NC May 27, 2000 Last month at the National Zoo in Washington, DC — a place where mothers and fathers take their children to look at the pandas and eat popcorn – a [...]

When it comes…..

June 5, 2000

…….to Firearms, Do as I Say, Not as I Do > Guns: Rosie O’Donnell, who opposes handgun > permits for others, doesn’t see problem with > her bodyguards having them. > > By JOHN R. LOTT, JR. > > Rosie, say it’s not so! The news last week was > surprising: Rosie O’Donnell’s bodyguards had [...]

Liberals: Mean, nasty hypocrites ? 2000 Everyone in America could be a liberal. I could be one and so could you were it not for having morals, honor, and dignity — plus a healthy dislike for hypocrisy. Take daytime TV talk host and actress Rosie O’Donnell. Please. Earlier this week Ms. O’Donnell waxed indignant [...]

A mother sticks to her choice to keep a handgun handy Stephanie Madison There was a time when I believed having a gun in the same house where children reside was not only unsafe but was bordering on recklessness. Mothers shouldn’t own guns. A single mom, I was accustomed to being alone. I don’t remember [...]

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