Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Pro 2nd Amendment Song -corrected sorry!!
A serial killer is on the run & the Democrats want your guns. They lied & lied to defeat Prop. B. You can’t protect your family. The NRA, Democrats love to HATE for preserving FREEEDOM & the American way. A serial killer is on the run and the Democrats want your guns. The Founding Fathers [...]
THEY WANT YOUR GUNS-A Pro 2nd Amendment Song
A serial killer is on the run and the Democrats want your guns. They lied and lied to defeat Prop. B (In Missouri) The NRA, Democrats love to hate for preserving FREEDOM and the American way. A serial killer is on the run & the Democrats want your guns. Out Founding Fathers would lament the [...]
Guns don’t save lives, they take them.
If you are using your gun in self defense and you shoot and kill someone, how will you be able to get up everyday and look yourself in the mirror. You’d have to think – I killed someone and took his life away from him. What would you tell your kids? “Mommy killed someone today [...]
I’d just like to say…
If guns had never been invented and people didn’t make them into these glorified, amazing things that everyone should have (do I want my two year old sister having a gun- I don’t think so)then people wouldn’t be dead. If there were no guns, then my friend would still be alive. Not only do I [...]
Another good quote
The man who asks of freedom anything other than itself is born to be a slave. – Alexis de Tocqueville
Gun Control?
Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I?m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins. ~~ Sammy “The Bull” Gravano, [...]
Reasonable Compromise:OK, So Gun Control is Silly and Ineffective – but Why the ‘Extreme’ Rhetoric..
Date: 6/2/00 9:35:00 PM Written By: Andrew Johnstone, RPh, M.D. Reasonable Compromise OK, So Gun Control is Silly and Ineffective – but Why the ‘Extreme’ Rhetoric…? by Andrew Johnstone, RPh, M.D. Talk About This in a Forum Society rightly expects hunters and target shooters (most NRA members), to politely endure minor inconveniences from gun control [...]
Store Clerk shoots would be robber -
Ok “concerned”, here’s another example of why law abiding citizens NEED self-defense weapons.. Are you listening? ====== Store Clerk Shoots Would-Be Robber Teenager Also Tried To Carjack Woman Originally Reported at MINNEAPOLIS, Updated 7:28 a.m., June 1, 2000 — A clerk shot a 17-year-old boy who tried to rob a Minneapolis jewelry store Wednesday. [...]
***Clinton To Register Guns By Executive Order***
***Clinton To Register Guns By Executive Order*** Constitution Front Page Announcement Source: Liberty Study Published: June 2, 2000 Author: Staff ***Clinton To Register Guns By Executive Order*** National registration of all firearms as well as national registration (often called licensing) of owners of firearms will begin no later than January 20, 2001. It’s not going [...]
The Next Generation is Awakening
The Next Generation is Awakening by Derek J. Shepard I am 16 years old. I know that firearms, toy guns, movies, videogames, and all other excuses for violence do not cause the violence. I recently read an article that Cynthia A. Carter, from Annapolis, Maryland, wanted to ban toy guns. That just made me mad. [...]