Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Hitting What You Aim At ——————————————————————————– By Rev. Brian M. Abshire ——————————————————————————– Recently, the nation has been struck by a number of senseless murders by psychotic individuals shooting fellow students, co-workers, or in one horrible case, little children in a daycare center. Predictably, the anti-gun folks, who will never be satisfied until all private ownership [...]
New stuff on the S.A.S sight
for those who are interested , they have a lot of new stuff on the Second Amendment Sisters web site. Casey
My baby is back!
To those of you who have been around long enough, you are aware of the “incident” I’ve been dealing with. For those of you who don’t know, I’ll give you the super condensed version: Was attacked, defended myself by displaying my weapon, chased him off, was persecuted for it. Went through 6 weeks of hell [...]
Excellent Commentary
What follows is an excellent commentary by an educatorat the University of Alabama. Feel free to pass this on, or not, as this is American, and you are free to choose to read this, or not…. Our USA I grew up in rural America in the ’50′s and ’60′s. On any given day, you could [...]
WAGC president
Boy, despite what you believe, I think everyone can agree that the president of hte Women Aganist Gun Control should NEVER be allowed near a microphone again. I’m watching the Rally on CSPAN right now, and she is just plain HORRIBLE. She is not a public speaker, and comes across as a poor head of [...]
This ones for Annie….
Annie, You owe me nothing, I owe you nothing- I don’t even know who you are or what else you dislike and it isn’t rightly any of my buisness But…. I will ask one favor of you anyway-it is up to you if you want to partake on it… If you will e-mail me your [...]
I love my guns!
Who are THEY to think that they can take away MY guns? My husband and I have twenty-seven guns between us, and we know how to use them! We have shotguns, rifles, and handguns. I always carry a .38 in my purse, and my husband carries a 9mm Glock 17 in a shoulder holster. We [...]
New Book- good info
There is a good book out also called: The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle By:Larry Nichols- Goes into depth about the entore Clinton’s scandal and what the plans are from here on out- Good reading- Casey
Carrie- I have got your book coming , should be here by next Tueday at the lastest and I will then shipp it directly off to you-I think you will find it very interesting. Dave- I have an extra one coming if you’re interested , you’ll have to get in touch with me- Casey