Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The Florida School shooting
Please tell me why a locked gun would not have prevented this tragedy. From what I’ve read, it appears this boy was about as “normal” (if not more so) as any 13-year-old can be. Honor student, etc., good family, church-goer. Not in trouble. Please don’t say it was because he’s Black. Thank you. Annie
I cause less than one-tenth of the percent of the deaths in the United States of America. But I am classed with the greatest disasters in history. I have saved thousands more lives than I have taken. I have prevented countless more injuries than I have caused, yet the self-serving would destroy me. Were it [...]
Legal Ammunition Legal Ammunition After reading through the Million Mom March website, I have concluded that the organizers probably never consulted with an attorney prior to going public. I would wager the individuals behind this pseudo-organization are primarily motivated by profit. 1. Reading over the MMM Mission Statement, I find that approximately half of their proposed [...]
A small-town doctor caught in the cross fire
A small-town doctor caught in the cross fire Right to bear arms could face major test in Texas gun case —————————————————————————- —- By Ann LoLordo Sun National Staff A life on hold: What Timothy Joe Emerson wants to win is the right to visit his daughter. (Sun photo by Ann LoLordo) —————————————————————————- —- SAN ANGELO, [...]
Hmmmm…..that means that 5 out of 10…
Let’s just break down the numbers for a sec: >>56.7% of hand gun owning men — tested likely to engage in incest. The report suggested vasectomies as a remedy.<< So if you round up ten gun owners – half of them are having sex with their daughters/sisters/mothers? Well, let’s see here….I know more than 10 [...]
I refused to be a victim again!
another one…. Oh I love those words.. “used_gun = no–when i needed it was before i had it. never a victim again.” Misguided Moms wake up!
Texas ladies need to stand together!
You bet your CHLs we do! If anything we need to start a serious campaign to get as many Texas ladies started on the road to their CHLs also. That would put a pain in the MMMs backsides. At my local range I sometimes help out with the shooting quals part of the CHL class [...]
An Apology for the multiple posts
I am so sorry about the multiple posts….everytime I tried to post the network 54 server went down and so I thought it hadn’t gone through.