Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category


May 28, 2000

my “assault rifle” makes me a criminal And my encryption program makes me a terrorist Does Dianne Feinstein’s vagina make her a prostitute?

What is a radical?

May 28, 2000

The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; [...]

This quote I like ;-)

May 28, 2000

“As Professor Lott discovered, gun ownership deters crime. But what will deter liberals? Certainly not the facts. They have too much invested in their vision of themselves as the saviors of us all.” –Thomas Sowell, June 29, 1998

Fear of weapons…..

May 28, 2000

“Fear of weapons is a symptom of sexual incompetence and fear of the opposite sex.” – Sigmund Freud

“No, we are not looking at how to control criminals, we are talking about banning the AK47 and semi-automatic guns!” — Senator Metzenbaum (D-OH), during the Constitution Subcommittee of 2/10/89

Why I’m here…

May 28, 2000

After the Brady bill passed, I got to be quite active on the gun issue but after awhile I just got discouraged. I saw guns and gun owners vilified in the Media on what seemed like a daily basis. I saw veiled, and subtle and sometimes not so subtle slander on everything from sitcoms to [...]

Repeat offenders

May 28, 2000

>>NEW YORK (AP) – The two suspects in the Wendy’s shootings are scheduled to make their first court appearance today. John Taylor and Craig Godineaux are expected to be arraigned on multiple counts of murder, robbery and weapons charges. Prosecutors say Taylor was a fugitive since last fall, when he failed to appear in court [...]

Million Moron Marchers

May 28, 2000

Actually a misnomer….what was there? Like 3000 actual demonstrators, a few families on Washington shopping trips and a bunch of homeless winos to round out the score? I’m going to let this collection of misfits make decisions concerning the safety of my family? Oh please! I’d rather eat out with Jeffrey Dahmer! (any recipes for [...]

Lest we forget…

May 28, 2000

it is for these folks I fight! AMERICAN VETERANS, Thank you for your sacrifices. Thank you for the freedom! We love you and will NOT EVER forget you! God Bless! —— DEFENDING AMERICA BY DAVID H. HACKWORTH 23 May 2000 “LEST WE FORGET” Another Memorial Day is upon us. Not that it’s that big a [...] May 26, 2000, 9:47PM Supporters mark fifth anniversary of handgun law Verbal warfare aimed at opponents By KATHY WALT Copyright 2000 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau AUSTIN — Robert James Eichelberg remembered as if it were yesterday the morning in 1997 when a would-be carjacker pointed a gun at him through the passenger window of [...]

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