Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

> May 26 Neal Knox Report — The Rhode Island Senate Wednesday > passed a bill requiring first time offenders to spend 10 years in > prison for using a gun while committing a violent crime, and 20 > years if the gun were discharged. > > A second conviction for using a gun in [...]

Talk radio hosts ‘spitting mad’ Source: WorldNetDaily Published: 5/26/00 Author: Jon E. Dougherty Raising reward to ID those who abused honor guard, flag By Jon E. Dougherty ? 2000 A coalition of radio talk show hosts and a national law enforcement group is initiating a drive to raise funds for a reward leading to [...] > | The Second Amendment Police Department is seeking law enforcement personnel, past, present, or related, who support the RKBA. Our intention is to compile an archive of material written by pro-gun cops and make it available to rebut the media-fed political police anti-gun rhetoric. We want to establish banner links with sympathetic [...]

Tasteless and Tacky

May 26, 2000

I’ve been called a lot of names in my life. Some are pretty accurate, some are not so accurate. I’ve been called an a**hole and actually I have to agree! Tasteless and tacky? Certainly! An anal retentive jerk? Possibly. I’ve never worried to much about people who call me names, simply because if all they [...]

Giuliani: Arrest Hillary’s Delegates for ‘Assault’ on Police Source: Published: 5-26-00 Author: Carl Limbacher and Staff New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani called on Senate candidate Hillary Clinton to apologize to members of an Albany Police honor guard who were heckled and spit on at her May 16th nominating convention, saying the perpetrators had [...]


May 26, 2000

You know, we’re never going to get the Million Moron crowd to respond to subjects like Rosie’s bodyguard, or the lady protecting herself and her daughter. They have no answer really. They are well aware that Rosie has money and can afford protection and that we can’t. They don’t care. They are also aware that [...]

Answer: 5

May 25, 2000

One to mix the dough, and four to peel the M&Ms. Giggle. Annie

—–Original Message—– From: Gun Owners of America <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 10:32 AM Subject: Anti-Gun Nut-Of-The-Month >FOR PUBLICATION > > >Maryland Alderman Wants Federal Law Banning Toy Guns! > >by Larry Pratt > > >When I first read the story in the Washington Times newspaper I >thought it was a [...]

ann, I promise you , you will never see anyone from this list grab your 9yr old daughter by the arm and holler at her “you should be raped, you should be raped”. Why? Because we because that’s violence and we are against ALL violence.. ———— I was there for the rally and march and [...]

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