Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The smart moms of MADD vs the Morons of MMM
On an average day, 44 men, women and children are indiscriminately murdered by drunk drivers on the nation’s highways — far more than are murdered by sociopaths with guns But MADD doesn’t blame lifeless inanimate objects like the Million Misguided Morons do. They Blame the irresponible INDIVIDUAL…….. Hellloooooooo MMM’ers….. anyone home?
Deaths by firearm rank low in U.S.
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 2000 > Deaths by firearm rank low in U.S. > > ? 2000 > > To hear Handgun Control, Inc. tell it, guns – >specifically handguns — are the worst killers of both children >and adults since the birth of the modern American nation-state. >But the reality of the issue is [...]
Gun Violence. When self control is lost and looking for a scapegoat. All this talk about gun violence in this country. There are no violent guns. We are plagued with violent people, and we really would be better served by people-control legislation. As long as we spend our efforts trying to change the behavior of [...]
Liberal Democrat
Annie visiting a first grade class explains that she is a liberal Democrat. She asks her students to raise their hands if they were liberal Democrats too. Not really knowing what a liberal Democrat was, but wanting to be like their visitor, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks. There was, however, one [...]
The Not-SO-Hidden-Agenda of Those MMM
MADD they are NOT! ——— 2100.html The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Of Those Million Moms Marching By Charley Reese, Columnist Published in The Orlando Sentinel on May 21, 2000 Contrast Mothers Against Drunk Driving with the Million Mom March against guns. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or rather its founders, recognized in a rational, intelligent manner that [...]
In Honor of Memorial Day……..
I’ve decide to adopt a POW/MIA….. I’ve even ordered a virtual MIA/POW bracelet….. List relevance, they fought and died for our freedoms….. ======= Welcome to Operation Just Cause (OJC). Below is the information you requested. Please save it to a floppy disk to prevent loss due to computer crash or accidentally being deleted with other [...]
NEWS FROM HARRY BROWNE FOR PRESIDENT |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| FOR RELEASE: Saturday May 20, 2000 ———————————- For additional information contact: Jim Babka, Press Secretary [email protected] ———————————- The Non-Sense of the Senate ‘Senate gun-control resolutions are wrong,’ says Harry Browne Blame the Drug War — not guns — for child killings Arlington, Virginia — On Wednesday, the U.S. [...]
Series of messages for you….
A couple of days ago there were several messages for you. These messages ask the question: How will gun control laws reduce crime? We’d like to hear this because in my background, and some other peoples, there’s nothing to suggest that it will. The messages: by Noelle I just heard on the news that if [...]
Your opinion is needed
Please dont let some liberal people take over this message board Several liberal flunkies are hiding there and someone needs to shed some light on it will you help? check it out and post your opinion