Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Paris Texas
I watched a MSNBC program last night (in spite of my step-daughters desire to have a meaningful relationship with MTV) and saw how a police officer in Paris Texas was shot through the windshield of his Crown Vic…the killer then approached to the drivers side window and fired the remainder of the six rounds into [...]
Support Those Albany Cops & US Flag Doctor Raoul If you read Hillary’s delegates spit on and taunt Police Honor Guard at her Convention, you’ll see that both the police and the flag were treated terribly by Hillary’s followers. Below are some quotes from that article. Members of the Albany Police Department Honor Guard were [...]
U.S. Agrees to Total Nuclear Weapons Ban
US AGREES TO ELIMINATE NUCLEAR STOCKPILE!!!!!!!! NEWSMAX.COM SUNDAY, MAY 21,2000 Author: NEWSMAX U.S. Agrees to Total Nuclear Weapons Ban Sunday May 21, 2000 The United States agreed, for the first time since the explosion of the first atomic weapon in 1945, to totally eliminate its nuclear arsenal. The sweeping U.S. policy was made Saturday [...]
The Gun Rights Solidarity March: Photos
The Gun Rights Solidarity March – May 20, 2000 – Charlotte, N.C. (Photographs) GRASS ROOTS NORTH CAROLINA Associated Press (via Yahoo News) Published: 20 May 2000
Here is a quick e-mail I shot off to Smith and Wesson on the first of April. Believe me it wasn?t an April fools message. Sirs, Just a quick note to inform you that I am supporting the boycott of all your products and am encouraging my friends to do the same. Steve Klamm 564 [...]
America’s Most Wanted – Opinions?
Stole this from a fireams discussion list I’m on… Dave, et al, wadda ya think? Comments.. ——————- Caught the Sat. night (May 20th) AMW TV show and really got upset over one of the segments. Seems the host of the show asked several of the FOX news female anchors to participate in a “How to [...]
Good night all
Good night to all , me and my .45 are going to la la land for the night. To late of a night last night and where I am at it is going for midnight. Happy dreams to you all and to all a safe night! Casey
Marching for the Second Amendment Source: FOX News Published: 20 May 2000 Marching for the Second Amendment Sparring with President Clinton in recent months and facing off against hundreds of thousands of protesting mothers last week in Washington seemed Saturday to have only rallied the NRA, which drew record attendance to its 129th annual convention [...]
N.R.A. Sounds a Defiant Note at Convention
N.R.A. Sounds a Defiant Note at Convention By JAMES DAO Associated Press More than 40,000 people were expected at the National Rifle Association convention this weekend in Charlotte, N.C. Kay and Jay Davis of LaGrange, Ga., examined Smith & Wesson handguns Friday. ——————————————————————————– CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 19 — A week after hundreds of thousands of [...]