Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
A right to bear – and love – arms (fair Use)
Published Friday, May 19, 2000 A right to bear – and love – arms My firearms are not just weapons; they are things of beauty and reminders that not all power resides in the government. By ROBERT LEE MAHON San Francisco Examiner I’m 53, white, male, middle-class and an English teacher with a doctorate. [...]
The Layman?s Guide to High Capacity Magazines
The Layman?s Guide to High Capacity Magazines ?2000 by Curt Bolding Curt Bolding is a 16-year police veteran with experience spanning four jurisdictions in Illinois. Still active in his chosen profession, he currently serves as both a street officer and as a police control and arrest tactics instructor. Ladies and Gentlemen of America: One of [...]
NO MORE VICTIMLESS CRIME LAWS! The most fundamental principle of moral law is that of punishing only those who initiate the use of force or fraud to violate the inalienable individual right to life and property of other human beings. The idea of separating the instruments, substances or methodologies used to violate the rights of [...]
How un BNuy Backs Misfire
How gun buy backs misfire Inspired by the 100,000 Million Mom March, Washington, D.C., Mayor Anthony Williams has embarked on an ambitious program to “buy back” firearms. Last year a similar program by the city resulted in 3,000 guns being turned in for cash. I’ve got several problems with so-called “gun buy back” programs. First [...]
Far be it from me…
“My research indicates that gun ownership is the most effective means for people to defend themselves, particularly for women and poor blacks who live in high crime urban areas.” Dr. John Lott Duh! Imagine that! A gun can actually can be used by a weaker person to defend against an attack by a stronger person! [...]
1968/1998 Time Articles and 2000 Poll!
As part of a 1998 special report on the gun control debate, Time Magazine has provided an article which ran in 1968 about the issue. Some things have changed, and some things haven’t. I found both the 1968 article and the 1998 article quite biased, and neither included statistics on gun use in self-defense, [...]
National Republican Congressional Commitee
Does any one know anything- good or bad, about this organization, or thier project of Gun Owners Task Force? Please let me know what you htink aobut this if oyu ahve any insight- thanks- Casey
Project Exile
Did any one besides me, here anything about Project Exile having hidden attachments to it that we pro-gun people may not want voted in ? Casey
A lifelong democrat has had enough
A Lifelong Democrat Has Had Enough Letter to Senator Barbara Boxer from James Vanderhoef Dear Senator Boxer: In the past, I have voted for you, for Senator Feinstein, and for Billy-Jeff/algore. In the future, I am afraid that this is going to be an extremely difficult proposition for me. I consider myself to be a [...]