Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category The picture is a MUST see! Gun Free School Zones in Action Klebold & Harris reaping the benefits of “GUN FREE” SCHOOLS. According to sworn testimony, 911 recordings, and eyewitness accounts, the librarian at Columbine High School had several minutes inside the library BEFORE the gunmen entered and started shooting–time in which she could [...]


May 19, 2000

Adele, I read and appreciate your post. I think it?s a mark of a thoughtful person that can come to a position that is so different then what was previously held. Especially when it goes against the views of people you are close to. I know that this is not easy for me, but I [...]

The GAO report (NB this is _not_ GOA) is at and it’s 100 pages (exactly) for whoever wants to print it. There is, evidently, also this from a press release, from U.S. Sen. Craig Thomas (R-WY): The General Accounting Office (GAO) audit of the National Instant Check System (NICS) is now complete, and it [...]

Is it likely that a rapist with a knife would target a woman with a gun? No. If he even thinks there is a reasonable chance of her being armed, he’ll stay away from her. In U.S. cities where there are programs of teaching women how to shoot and women have guns, rape rates plummet. [...]

MMM: Much Less than Advertised The March’s anti-gun machinery is predictably off-target. By Dave Kopel, of the Independence Institute oltaire once observed that that Holy Roman Empire was ?neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.? (It was a political, not religious, entity; it was based in Germany; and for hundreds of years before Voltaire, [...]

Pix from SAS AIMM

May 18, 2000

I took a few good pictures from the March this weekend. As soon as our webmaster gets back from the NRA convention, I’ll have him put some up in the photo gallery. Kristi, Sherry, Howard, if you folks have any you’d like to share, let me know. Kristi I got the one fo you and [...]

Well folks, a few days have passed since the march, the media requests for >interviews have died down, my phone and email have returned to normal, and I >even caught up on a little sleep last night. > >Sunday was awesome. The weather was perfect, with temperatures in the 70? s, >sunny, low humidity, and [...]

note from Alan Korwin: ======= I’m scheduled to appear on the Ken Hamblin radio show tomorrow, Friday 11/19/00, at 1:30 MST (he’s based in Colorado); that’s 12:30 AZ and 3:30 EST. Some areas run on tape delay in the evening. Ken’s national audience is in the millions. In my neck of the woods (Arizona), he’s [...]

Member’s of the Albany Police Department’s Honor Guard were harassed and spit on by delegates to the New York State Democratic convention that nominated Hillary Clinton for U.S. Senate Tuesday night. The Albany Times Union reported Thursday. Police Honor Guard officers in full-dress uniform were carrying the American flag as they entered the Pepsi Arena [...]

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