Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
How WAGC Spells Gun SAFETY! E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N!
Jeff Cooper’s Rules of Gun Safety RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY RULE III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET —— Here you’ll find 28 court cases (as precedence), showing the Police have no obligation to protect any individual person from harm Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure your own safety It is a grave, immoral, and unethical act by any legislative body to restrict a law abiding individual’s ability to adequately protect themselves [...]
The Million Lies March (Fair USE)
Jewish World Review May 17, 2000 / 12 Iyar, 5760 Thomas Sowell The Million Lies March — THE “MILLION MOMS MARCH” for more gun control laws was not a march, nor were there a million moms. But these were only the first of the lies from that event — and by no means the [...]
Here is an interesting article about Gore.
ANTIS – How many are you willing to kill?
I was talking to a friend last night, and he brought up an interesting point, one I’d like to pass along to the anti-gunners. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that you can accomplish your goals and make our guns illegal and demand that we all turn them in. How many families are you [...]
I do not understand…
I just heard on the news that if the homemade bombs that the two killers planted all over the cafeteria at Columbine (right spelling?) went off like they were set to..that over 400 people could of been killed. Shear luck that they didn’t. Teens ( anyone ) can learn how to build homemade bombs from [...]
Kids and guns
You know, it’s amazing how things change. People have always had access to firearms, more so than they do now as a matter of fact. I have several handguns and people scream about that constantly. The problem is that I have had handguns since I was 16 years old. That was a .22 Long Rifle [...]
Still waiting..
Some time ago I posted to this board and asked a question. I never got an answer and I’m still waiting. >>No one who has any education in the field really believes crime can be controlled by passing another law so what do they hope to accomplish? Perhaps that is a question some of the [...]
Preaching to the choir :)
I?m new to this board and to this debate in general. I have used and enjoyed firearms all my life and am disheartened by what I?ve seen in the media lately. I can?t sit down and turn on the TV lately with out seeing some talking head espousing the evils of gunownership. This irritates me, [...]