Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

The Best Defense True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm by Robert A. Waters When Gary Baker, a Richmond, Virginia businessman, arrived at work on December 2, 1994, he had no idea that his up-scale jewelry store was targeted for armed robbery by the ‘Dixie Mafia.’ In a shoot-out that rivaled [...] It was a good show and our side made some very good points. The antis showed how inflexable they are by refusing to even consider any of the pro issues – even the ones that met them halfway!

This weekend’s events are going to be falsely portrayed as a “groundswell” of public support for further restrictions on our rights. Most politicians only “see the light when they feel the heat”. IF YOU TAKE 10 MINUTES THIS WEEKEND TO WRITE A HANDWRITTEN LETTER YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN WASHINGTON you can do as much for the [...]

In your post you said this>>>>>>But, sadly, getting some lawmakers to act reasonably is about as difficult as getting our kids to clean their rooms. If we’ve told them once, we’ve told them a hundred times. <<<<<< I feel compelled to respond to you on this. My ex husband was on probation, he was not [...]

I love you guys.

May 12, 2000

You are my heros. We need more true american women like yourself to speak out!! A mans word means nothing in this world anymore.Especially when it comes to gun control. Thanks for your support, god bless america!! Keep us free to defend our families.

I was sent this by a Second Amendment Sister in Oklahoma Phoenix isn’t the only place the mmm’s are running scared. (pass it on) Tulsa update: Last nights local news stations reported that the Tulsa million moms are distancing themselves from the national group. “Not all [mmm] marches are for tougher gun laws…[Tulsa mmm group [...]


May 11, 2000

And PLEASE, inform us of which of the gun control, er uh…. ‘scuse me…. gun “safety” laws you propose would stop this kind of violence. Million Misinformed Mothers Educational Cartoon

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