Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
GORE The following article was selected from the Internet Edition of the Chicago Tribune. To visit the site, point your browser to Steve Chapman To hear Al Gore tell it, George W. Bush is better qualified to be head of the Dalton gang than president of the United States. Democrats think the governor is [...]
RKBA Fundraiser for the Texas CLDF Lawsuit!
Fair use: +++++++++++++++++ RKBA Fundraiser for the Texas CLDF Lawsuit! Copyright ? 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert is left intact in its original state. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Join us For a Fundraising Reception To Protect Your Right To Keep And Bear Arms! WHERE: ====== Burnet Community Center – Burnet, [...]
baretta stands up to HCI
This is taken from the website: “We want to thank all of you who sent us e-mail telling us that Handgun Control, Inc. was showing a Beretta pistol on their website. We agree that the likeness used on their website is the famous Beretta 92FS used by the United States Military and many law [...]
Ignorance Fuels Media’s Anti-Gun Stance> CommentMax Ignorance Fuels Media’s Anti-Gun Stance Dr. Michael S. Brown April 25, 2000 Responsible gun owners have complained for three decades that the media are biased against them. The media have either denied it or simply refused to address the issue. A report released in January 2000 by the Media Research Center found network [...]
Gun control
I’m a 42 year old ex-police officer. I own guns and support concealed carry laws because I know they work-I’ve seen it first hand! I haven’t read all the posts on this board, but I can tell you that anyone who supports gun control as a means of crime control is either ignorent or a [...]
A little update from Australia
——–Begin Forwarded Message————- Having been through the incremental process of gun control in Australia, I can offer my opinion that the “smart gun” controversy is just a ploy to get Americans to start acting “reasonable”. We all know that the “kids” that Klinton is referring to are mostly gang members knocking each other off. The [...]
My 6 year old was shot and killed…..
Hi, 6 years ago my beautiful 6 year old daughter, Ahsley Marie, was shot and killed. By who? Her father. He was out of jail on probation for a brutal assualt he inflicted on me. The terms of his probation forbid the usual including possesion of firearms. I had legal custody of my 3 children [...]
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms ? Report of the Senate Subcommitee on the Constitution, 1982. Contai
Note: This Senate Subcommittee Report was taken from in /pub/firearms/politics/rkba as rkba82. It was cleaned up by Richard Bash <[email protected]> and further reformatted by Jon Roland to make it more usable in email and newsgroup postings. A more complete version is planned. ____________ THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS ________ REPORT of the [...]
The meaning of the phrase “well-regulated” in the 2A
The meaning of the phrase “well-regulated” in the 2nd amendment From: Brian T. Halonen <[email protected]> The following are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, and bracket in time the writing of the 2nd amendment: 1709: “If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations.” 1714: “The practice of all well-regulated courts [...]
The best site on the web re: Info on 2A try it on for size “annie”, course you may have to get someone else with a little more brain and insite to read it and interpret it for you. You seem to lack those items…..