Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Top 10 Undisputed Facts About How “Sensible Gun Control” Affects Crime 1. Violent criminals don’t use trigger locks. 2. Violent criminals don’t get government-mandated firearms training. 3. Violent criminals don’t undergo background checks. 4. Violent criminals don’t “cool off” several days before buying a gun. 5. Violent criminals don’t limit their purchases to one gun [...]

Smith & Wesson Must Be Stopped It is amazing how many gun owners don’t want to be “nasty” to S&W. The latest wimp out goes like this – “if someone else buys the company, then I can buy S&W products again.” Back in the 1960s, when S&W was owned by Bangor Punta, S&W called publicly [...]

THE BIG LIE: You Have No Rights by Alan Korwin Major media outlets are starting to give more and more space to what I call The Big Lie. They are coming right out and saying that the Constitution doesn’t protect your right to arms, as it always has. If the Second Amendment doesn’t mean [...]

Impeccable Logic

April 15, 2000

Dear Ms. Dunlap: I read with interest your reply to Donn Treece’s query on why firearms businesses were being targeted by the City of Chicago lawsuits. Very cogent reasoning. I assume, by your answer, you are also preparing suits against General Motors, Ford Motor Corp., and Mercedes-Benz/Chrysler. Since manufacturers are responsible, in your opinion, for [...]

“If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government — and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.” — EDWARD ABBEY Author of the Monkey Wrench Gang (An excellent read)

The Washington Times Guns, hypocrisy and common sense By Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder Published 3/31/00 To be absolutely honest, like most Jews, we don’t like to be around anything that could be used to harm anybody. The only reason Jews even have a butter knives around the house is so they can use [...]

By Sanford Levinson University of Texas at Austin School of Law Reprinted from the Yale Law Journal, Volume 99, pp. 637-659 One of the best known pieces of American popular art in this century is the New Yorker cover by Saul Steinberg presenting a map of the United States as seen by a New Yorker, [...]

On Thursday, May 27, 1999, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School Shootings in Littleton Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s sub-committee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. It needs to be heard by every [...]

The New York Times reported today in a front page story that S&W “has backed away” from key provisions of the agreement that it entered into last month. (The heat from gunnies must have been pretty intense.) One point that has been the subject of a “clarification” on the company’s web page ( was one [...]

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