Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
A good response letter to AAP…
My response: The Editors The Miami Herald I note that the American Academy of Pediatrics has called for a removal of firearms from all homes as a way to reduce gun related injuries and deaths among teenagers. I cannot help but wonder how they could issue that statement and not call for the removal of [...]
Important MMM Poll !!!
Here’s a very important MMM poll – Take a moment to vote and comment today! Right now the pro-gun votes are losing badly, but the comments are good. Have some fun in your comments and throw in a plug for AIMM. I added the Second Amendment Sister web addy for good measure … it [...]
Utah Moms to Face Off Over Guns – GIVE ‘EM HELL , JT ;-)
GIVE “EM HELL , JT – The REAL Jannie Oakley Anybody who can’t attend the DC countermarch and wants to organize a pro gun March in their home state can contact Janalee Tobias for details on the UTAH pro gun march…. ————– Utah Moms to Face Off Over Guns Monday, April 10, 2000 BY [...]
Guns Empower Women By Ava Jones
Guns Empower Women The Considered Opinion By Ava Jones [email protected] Editorialist Reprinted from the Email Report Sign up for free in the email news box above. For more Woman-empowering writings, click here. Sometime in the first half of 1997, I learned what a ?considered? opinion was. It was a life-changing event for me. [...]
Churches NationalGun Control Plans (MUST READ)
Reposted from the UCLA FirearmsRegProf List with permission. ———————————————————————— ———– From: BIGOTRY, SYMBOLISM AND IDEOLOGY IN THE BATTLE OVER GUN CONTROL Don B. Kates, Jr. (available all over the web) Illustrative of anti-gun (but not pro-control) disapproval of self-defense is a May 1977 article on guns published in Engage-Social Action Forum, the magazine of the [...]
The Real History of the 2A
The Real History of the Second Amendment By Rick Green Monday, April 10, 2000 Austin-American Statesman The Austin American Statesman’s April 3 editorial, “A history of the Second Amendment,” called the pro-freedom position of gun owners “willful and systematic distortion of the Constitution” But the editorial, claiming that “there is no constitutional guarantee for private [...]
JPFO supports SAS-AIMM -
—– Original Message —– From: JPFO Alerts <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 5:38 PM Subject: ALERT: Be A Smart Mom — Oppose the Million Victim March > —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– > Hash: SHA1 > > ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP > America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization > [...]
Nosey Doctors!
From another list…. notice the answer from a pro gun Doctor….. << Re: [GOA-Texas] It has started. A caller called Limbaugh today. She took her small child to the pediatrician. The pediatrician asked if there were guns in the house and if they were locked up. The mother answered that they were. The doctor said [...]