Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Berretta rejects!

April 3, 2000 BERETTA REJECTS SMITH & WESSON SETTLEMENT Since October 1998, a number of city mayors and county officials have filed lawsuits against the firearm industry intended to force compliance with a wide array of regulatory initiatives that the American public has refused to authorize through constitutionally prescribed legislation. These government officials have openly and unashamedly [...]

Bushmaster says no

April 3, 2000 Bushmaster Firearms Responds The recent settlement by Smith & Wesson with the Clinton Administration shows that they cut their own deal and didn’t care for the industry’s other players. Although the law suits and most issues deal with handguns, Bushmaster feels that the industry should try to come together in responding to the public’s [...]

See the latest? The AAP is urging their members to ask parents to take their guns out of the house.

I had the pleasure of attending the American Renaissance conference this past weekend, which was sponsored by the New Century Foundation. Although not a gun rights organization, New Century Foundation has published a very scholarly monograph entitled THE COLOR OF CRIME which every gun rights activist should get a hold of. It may be down [...]

fair use: “One man packs, another attacks A leading anti-gunner attacks Shariar Ghalam – – – – – – – – – – – - by Wayne Laugesen ([email protected]) Shariar Ghalam, a gun-toting activist, fought a war and smuggled his family from tyranny to freedom. He’s seen people hang for their beliefs. He thought [...]

Attn: Members ONLY!

April 2, 2000

WAGC Members ONLY Board online is up and running. registration required with REAL names and valid email addresses. (Libertarian , you *may* have to re-do yours) Contact me for privately for Location URL & PW…… State Directors if you want to be a moderator, let me know so I can designate you as one. (KLW), [...]


April 2, 2000

HI hi hi hi hih hihdsofahsodljoah dhflkusdhlksdhoahfahihihihihihihihihihihihihinhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhiiiiiiiihhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GUNS RULE! PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Do you own a gun?


April 2, 2000

Guns rule! Guns rule! Guns rule! Way to cool! Guns rule! Guns suck! murders suck! anti guns won’t help! no, guns rule!

Reposted intact with attribution to and permission of author, who is a recently retired Ohio Police Lt. ———————— Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 08:25:47 -0500 From: Lou Orlando <[email protected]> Subject: The Myth of 911 I just finished reading an article by Dick Stevens in the April issue of “Ideas On Liberty” entitled “Just Dial 911?-The [...]

Reposted intact with attribution to and permission of author, who is a recently retired Ohio Police Lt. Joe Horn ———————— Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 08:25:47 -0500 From: Lou Orlando <[email protected]> Subject: The Myth of 911 I just finished reading an article by Dick Stevens in the April issue of “Ideas On Liberty” entitled “Just [...]

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