Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Gun Rites
By NR’s Editors This editorial can be found in the April 3, 2000 issue of National Review. Gun Rites The ritual has become familiar: another horrific shooting, another round of calls for gun control. But this time, the calls sounded tinnier than usual. The perp, though a six-year-old boy, already had a history of violence. [...]
Treaties, triggers, tobacco and tyrants Treaties, triggers, tobacco and tyrants Why do you suppose the framers were so insistent that only virtuous men serve as president? To set a moral example for the nation? Oh yes, but there’s much more to it than that. Before you Clintonoids wrongly assume I am waxing nostalgic for impeachment and urge me “to [...]
Australian Bureau of Statistics Australia Now – A Statistical Profile Crime and Justice Crimes recorded by police —— ——- In 1998 the number of victims recorded by police rose from the previous year for all the offence categories except murder and blackmail/extortion (table 11.13). Nationally, offences against property (unlawful entry with intent, motor vehicle theft [...]
Need Activists: CA Tyranny Response Team
Howdy, folks, Current status on CA TRT memebership — we currently have about 75 people signed on. We need more members! Like I said earlier, until we have the numbers, we won’t achieve the desired effect. What we really need is to get the interest of a local radio station or two like the CO [...]
Hey “annie”, “hardcore”….. here’s something for ya….
Since S&W has started supporting gun control, folks like you need to start showing your support for SW by patronizing other words why don’t you show your support for these traitors by purchasing a firearm from them ======= Professor Joseph Olson Says Boycott S&W. for the remainder of 2000. Put THEM out of business. [...]
Gun Control MYTHS shot down ……
Myth No. 1: When one is attacked, passive behavior is the safest approach. The Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey reports that the probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with a gun. Men also benefit from using a gun, but [...]
It’s MY Right and YOURS Too! by Michael R. Saporito It’s MY Right and YOURS Too! Michael R. Saporito Recently, guest editorials and op-ed pieces have resurrected the argument that the Second Amendment applies only to the authority of the states to maintain a National Guard. Such arguments are without merit and are clearly wrong. Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution [...]
Laws by TJ
No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. – Thomas Jefferson
I meant to post it as a new one; please refer to response under original from “Fred.” Thank you.
Uh Huh! Trigger Locks REALLY work! ============= MARCH 23, 17:48 EST Boy Held Classmates At Gunpoint By THOMAS J. SHEERAN Associated Press Writer Linda Robb Associated Press/Steve Schenck [25K] ——————————————————————————– LISBON, Ohio (AP) ? A 12-year-old who told authorities he wanted to be with his mother in jail briefly held his sixth-grade class at gunpoint Thursday before a teacher persuaded [...]