Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Million Mom March has a TOLL FREE NUMBER – Let’s all call!
The organizers of the Million Mom March not only have a web page ( they have a TOLL FREE NUMBER 888-989-MOMS. Everybody who is interested in this issue should call their TOLL FREE NUMBER and get some of the neat stuff they have on hand to send out to people who call their TOLL FREE [...]
it’s Time to Challenge these LIES!
> >”More than 200 million guns are in circulation in the US today,” he > >said. “Between one third and one half of all households own at least > >one. Every day in the US an average of 87 people, 12 of them > >children, die as a result of gun wounds, a figure which [...]
Smart Firearms Jammer
Hey “Annie”, Hardcore , tell us, Please- How would you feel if an innocent person got killed because the bad guy had a jammer A rapist walks up to you , you pull a selfdefense “smart” gun to go bang and it does nothing because the knife weilding rapist also has a jammer…. =================== George [...]
Betsy Hart: Real ‘child advocates’ don’t exploit tragedies for political gain ONCE AGAIN, it’s all for the children. President Clinton recently met with the mother of Kayla Rolland, the little girl so tragically shot to death by her first-grade classmate in Flint, Mich. “As a parent, my heart goes out to her,” Clinton said. “And [...]
Gun Control Demagoguery Boomerangs on Clinton
Saturday March 18, 2000; 1:47 PM EST Gun Control Demagoguery Boomerangs on Clinton According to conventional wisdom, President Clinton has Second Amendment defenders on the ropes after years of cleverly demagoging the gun control debate by politicizing tragedies like Columbine, Jonesboro and last month’s shooting death of six year-old Karla Roland. When National Rifle Association [...]
LaPierre Does Well On Today’s News Shows
—– Original Message —– From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 11:08 PM Subject: LaPierre Does Well On Today’s News Shows > > March 19 Neal Knox Update — I was at the Roanoke, Virginia > gun show all day today, hustling mail and phone calls to Congress, > and votes [...]
“They came for the Catholics, but I wasn’t a Catholic so…
We’ve all heard this saying, haven’t we? …I did nothing. They came for the Protestants, but I wasn’t a Protestant, so …I did nothing. And we all know the punch line, when “they” came to get him, there was no one left to speak up for him! I saw something on FR last nite that [...]
Serious Flaws In Kellerman Study
Serious Flaws In Kellerman Study
It’s The Criminals, Stupid The Message Bill Clinton Needs to Hear by Keeva Segal In the wake of the histrionics displayed by anti-gun Senators on the Senate Floor and the defection of one of our industry organizations to the side of ever more restrictive gun control, an extremely impacting problem has been all but ignored [...]
Gun Group Ad Challenges Media, Liberal Commentators
Gun Group Ad Challenges Media, Liberal Commentators A full-page advertisement scheduled to run in journalism magazines in late Spring challenges media professionals to reconsider their conventional approach to civil liberties by linking the right to bear arms with highly-prized privacy rights. The provocative ad was created and placed by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), a [...]