Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

I’m baaaaaaaaack!!!!!

March 19, 2000

Been stockpiling some ammunition to fire back at you. Oh, and some good ole Siggy Freud theories about “suspended” sexual development vis a vis weaponry obsession.

Canadian Firearms Page

March 19, 2000 Check it out if you dare The TAO of GUN Check it out if you dare

there is a pro (well, semi pro gun) Canadian on the FDL list, the dare still holds, bro/sis?

Dear all: We have been informed that a software application that Microsoft uses named En carta (an encyclopedia for computers), has reinterpreted the US Bill of Rights. Below is a copy of the report and findings from: Jethro K. Lieberman, B.A., J.D., Ph.D.- Professor and Director of Writing Program, New York Law School. Author of [...]


March 18, 2000

>TAKING THE MAG PLEDGE > >By L. Neil Smith <[email protected]> > >See it soon in _The Libertarian Enterprise_ > > > I’m sitting here at my kitchen table looking at three semiauto >pistol magazines manufactured by a company I happen to respect and >admire. > > I can’t say the same thing for the magazines, [...]

FWD: With the recent acquittal of 31 year old Rodney Peairs in Louisiana of the shooting death of 16 year old Yoshi Hattori, a Japanese exchange student, many Americans and Japanese are now calling for America to reject her “Frontier past” in favor of Japanese style gun control laws. It is certainly true that Japan [...]

Illegitimi Non Carborundum Est- – – – – – – – – - A Socialist Second Amendment A well-regulated national police force, being necessary to the security of the regime, the privilege (at government discretion) of the people to keep and bear arms (except hand arms, cheap arms, self-loading arms, & military looking arms) shall [...]

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