Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
New pro Gun Website
There is a new web site coming alive for gun freedoms. Among the things offered are free email, multiple discussion forums, classified advertising, and more.
More UK Gun Deaths — but gun banning works, no really…
More UK Gun Deaths — but gun banning works, no really… A double shooting near Newcastle , a city in the North East of England , one killed one injured -3/12/00 – NO DETAILS YET. Fatal shooting in Brixton , south west London on the 3/11/00.
Physicians Call for Compassionate Conservatism in Firearms Issue by William B. Rogers. M.D. May all doctors read and hear Dr. Rogers’ message.
Internet firearm raffle
Subject: Announcing one of those internet firearm raffles Sent: 03/03/20 15:53 Received: 03/06/00 07:10 From: Ted Smith (email address deleted) I am happy to announce one of those internet firearm raffles that the liberals love to hate. My daughter’s hockey team, the Alaska Firebirds girls hockey team, is doing a fundraiser, to send the Firebirds [...]
Glad he had a gun
Glad He Had A Gun By William Raspberry Monday , March 13, 2000 ; A17 An elderly widower shot a burglar to death recently and changed–at least temporarily–the terms of the debate over gun control. The 83-year-old A. D. Parker, who lives alone in a modest San Francisco house, said he heard someone busting through [...]
COMMENTS ON KELLERMANN – GUNS IN THE HOME COMMENTS ON KELLERMANN – GUNS IN THE HOME Some Methodological Problems in “Gun Ownership and Homicide in the Home – (Kellermann et. al., New England Journal of Medicine. Oct 7, 1993) ———————————————————————— H. Taylor Buckner Associate Professor of Sociology, Concordia University Kellermann and his colleagues concluded that a person who had a gun in [...]
Article from Ft. Worth Star Telegraph
Anti-gun — and anti-rights as well How many times and how many ways does this have to be said before it sinks in? Criminals don’t care about laws. That’s what makes them criminals. If they ignore the thousands of state and federal gun laws already on the books, what makes anyone think they’ll pay attention [...]
New Tool to Expose the Police Protection Myth!
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization March 12, 2000 New Tool to Expose the Police Protection Myth! JPFO has produced a 29-minute video interview of Richard Stevens, author of “Dial 911 and Die.” This video is perfect for helping people understand how they are responsible for their [...]