Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

No Gun Control

March 16, 2009

I am grateful that my father is no longer living to see this day. We are losing our freedom. Stop the insanity. Who will protect us if we can’t own a gun?

Telegraph UK:Barack Obama fuels gun buying boom with pledge to tighten laws Date: Mar 15, 2009 4:06 AM Attachments: gunshop_1366339c.jpg Telegraph Mar 14 2009 Barack Obama fuels gun buying boom with pledge to tighten laws A pledge by US President Barack Obama to tighten gun control laws has led to firearms sales soaring across America. [...]


March 13, 2009

I am having a real hard time deciding who is right in this issue. There is a person in our small community who is running for public officce. He has been going to my sons house taking pictures of his house and his children. We have called the police and were told this is not [...]

What Stimulated the Gun and Ammo Market? by R. Brent Mattis Since Obamas victory in November, Smith and Wesson and Ruger, the only two publically traded US gun makers, have experienced major increases in their stock prices. Ammo manufacturers are running 24/7 attempting to keep up with demand. Military-pattern semi-automatic rifles, including AR-15s and AK-clones [...] The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

The Hill: NRA forces Pelosi retreat Date: Mar 4, 2009 11:13 PM So the NY Times and other media outlets report the NRA is dead. The Hill is the best source for inside the U.S. Congress workings. FYI (copy below): ************************************************************ NRA forces Pelosi retreat By Mike Soraghan Posted: 03/03/09 08:18 PM [ET] Democrats [...]

when guns are outlawed , there will still be violence because outlaws find other TOOLS to use. —————————————————– 5 stabbed in separate incidents outside NYC club From Associated Press March 01, 2009 4:22 AM EST NEW YORK – Police have arrested a man in the stabbing of two people outside a New York City nightclub, [...]

A resident on the 2100 block of Padlock Place heard what appeared to be someone breaking into their home earlier this morning. According to the Leon County Sheriffs Office, the homeowner stated a burglar was attempting to break the glass on a window. There have been several burglaries in this area in recent weeks, said [...]

Oops, Wrong Party: A homeowner in the Providence neighborhood shot and killed an armed man who may have been seeking retribution after being kicked out of a party on Saturday night. The name of the dead man hasnt yet been released, pending forensic confirmation, the Fort Bend County [TX] Sheriffs Office said in a statement [...]

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