Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Houston Cabbie Shoots Assailant Suffers laceration to neck, but sleeping in his own bed. I send personal thanks the cabbie for culling the local population of predatory criminals in the city where my mother, father, sister, grandmother, and many friends live. As always, criminals eating lead is welcome news.
SHOOTING EXPRESS TV needs your help.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; SHOOTING EXPRESS TELEVISION is building a Shooting Sports, 2nd Amendment, Progun TV Network. Something good for Gun Owners. We need your help. Please check our site and consider helping our network project; Please pass the word out over the net about our project. GUN OWNERS wonder if the groups they give [...]
NY Times Lead Editorial Says Reno Went To Lengths “To Protect Vice President Al Gore” et al. Source: New York Times Published: 3/11/00 Author: Howell Raines (but unsigned editorial: “The Justice Department Memos”) March 11, 2000 The Justice Department Memos Any hope the Democrats may have had that their past finance scandals would fade in [...]
Guns Rule the US – Misinformation Galore!
From: Philip Van Cleave <[email protected]> >To: [email protected] >Subject: Guns rule the US – misinformation galore > >Dear Mr. Daumeyer, > >You clearly did not do your homework when you wrote your “Guns rule the >US” article. You state that violence is not new and violent games are >not new. I agree. However, when you state [...]
Dave Duffy OpED – Dr. Laura One Person’s Opinion Dr. Laura tells her listeners she?s decided to pack a gun Dave Duffy March 8, 2000 The showdown between the Federal government and the American people over gun rights may have tilted in favor of the people recently when the nation?s third most popular radio talk show host, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, [...]
Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000
Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000 (Introduced in the Senate) S 2099 IS 106th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 2099 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the registration of handguns, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February 24, 2000 Mr. REED introduced the following bill; which [...]
Here’s the Facts
Out lawing guns is not an answer to the problem. Take a look at states with tough drunk driving laws, has the drunk driving stopped?? No, stats are that one in every 10 drivers on the road are driving over the legal limit-this comes straight from police training manuels. The truth is that laws don’t [...]
GunSAVE LIVES! Excellent Oped by John Lott,1597,167661-412,00.shtml Guns Save Lives Misleading people about the risks of guns in the home will harm people’s safety in a very real way. The Author Says The Positive Impact Of Guns On Citizen Safety Is Being Completely Ignored CBS (CBS) Dr. John Lott Jr. is a fellow in law and economics at the University of [...]
2A Project Newsletter 3-9-00
Second Amendment Project Newsletter. Mar. 9, 2000. The Second Amendment Project is based at the Independence Institute, a free-market think tank in Golden, Colorado. ========================================================= Table of Contents for this issue 1. New on the Web: Commentary on murder of Michigan first-grader. Self-defense in San Francisco. 2. “Registry can’t stop school shootings.” By Lorne [...]
More HCI Lies, so what else is new???????
HCI Conceals Data to Mislead President, Press and Public on Child Deaths, Says Gun Advocacy Group U.S.Newswire, 3/6/2000 10:32 To: National Desk Contact: Aaron Zelman of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc., 800-869-1884; E-mail: jpfo(At); Web site: HANFORD, Wis., March 6 /U.S. Newswire/ — The following was released today by Jews [...]