Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
>A Speech by Charlton Heston at Harvard > >”Winning The Cultural War” >Harvard Law School Forum >February 16, 1999 > >I remember my son when he was five, explaining to his kindergarten >Class what his father did for a living. “My Daddy,” he said, “pretends >to be people.” > >There have been quite a few [...]
Have you ever noticed…
…how when the tide turns and the anti-rights idiots are losing, they cast slander at men’s manhood? …how when the corrupt facts the anti-self defense idiots spew is proven for the rotten pile of manure that it is, they turn on the “For the children” waterworks? …how when those who hold in utter contempt every [...]
Mothers who care should pack heat
Mothers who care should pack heat by Jon E. Dougherty ? 2000 Any dude that says guns, gun rights and the ability to carry concealed weapons is strictly a man’s business has never met the Second Amendment Sisters but should; they’d make you proud. For one thing, they aren’t your average “soccer mom” crowd. [...]
Educating an Armed Citizenry
Second Amendment, Guns & Ammo, March 2000 > By Ambassador Alan Keyes > > Educating an Armed Citizenry > We Have a Duty to Teach Firearms Safety in Our > Schools > I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, as I know are the readers of Guns & Ammo. That’s not enough. We [...]
What crime Stats Really Mean ============= This is chapter five of Firing Back. Some graphs have been dropped from this chapter in the interests of speed. Yet another reason to buy the book! ————————————————– What Crime Statistics Really Mean Before we start throwing numbers around, it’s important to know that the statistics about violent crime and guns come from [...]
Figures Lie and liars figure
grabs Steven Milloy There is no doubt that gun-control advocates will exploit the tragic shooting death of 6-year old Kayla Rolland by a 6-year old classmate and the shooting of five persons in Pittsburgh restaurants. Adding fuel to this fire may be a study published in the current Journal of the American Medical Association. A [...]
—– Original Message —– From: “Weldon Clark” <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 6:22 PM Subject: CITIZENS OF AMERICA — SPECIAL ITEMS and UPDATE > CITIZENS OF AMERICA — SPECIAL ITEMS and UPDATE > > March 4, 2000 > This our longest update, but we think it will be worth your > time [...]
Two sides of the Gun Issue
EDITORIAL ? March 4, 2000 Two sides of the gun issue Amid the recent spate of shootings, the media has focused on the ghastly attack in which a 6-year-old boy, leading a “life of chaos,” shot a female classmate, and on a Pennsylvania case in which an apparently racially motivated black male gunned down two [...]
When I was little…..
I am 46 and female. I recently found a magazine from the 1950′s and happen to notice a boy carrying a toy gun. Then I remembered the cap guns we used to play with when I was little. We played cowboys and indians (not cops and robbers). No body wanted to be the indian because [...]