Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
It’s Amazing What One Has to Believe to Believe in Gun Control by Michael Z. Williamson [email protected] It?s amazing what one has to believe to believe in gun control: That a punk wakes up one morning, and thinks, “Gee, instead of robbing, raping, sodomizing and killing a young woman, why don?t I turn my $400 [...]
Japanese Boy Commits Suicide at School Japan has reached an all time high suicide rate exceeding that of the U.S. This boy didn’t have a gun so he just jumped out of a classroom window. Student suicide is common in the land where leaders think Americans have too many guns.
In deposition, ex-FBI agent disputes Waco allegations: Says Reno told us to do it. Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch Published: March 04, 2000 Author: Terry Ganey And William H. Freivogel A former FBI agent who was in command during the final siege on the Branch Davidians said Friday that no agents fired guns or fire-causing rounds [...]
WORD Many a good story has been ruined by the facts — Old newspaper saying progressive review chart MARCH 3 THE FACTS In 1989, there were 816 gun deaths of children under 15 in America. In 1993 that rose to 957. In 1997,the last year for which the Center for Disease Control has posted figures, [...]
Protecting baby’s hearing
I’m looking for suggestions on how best to protect a baby’s hearing at a shooting range. Thanks for your help.
Deaths by firearm rank low in U.S.
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 2000 Deaths by firearm rank low in U.S. ? 2000 To hear Handgun Control, Inc. tell it, guns — specifically handguns — are the worst killers of both children and adults since the birth of the modern American nation-state. But the reality of the issue is this: Guns, in all applications [...]
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization JPFO Blasts AJC for ‘Ghetto Jew Mentality’ in School Shooting U.S. Newswire 3 Mar 10:55 Jewish Group Blasts AJC for ‘Ghetto Jew Mentality’ in Grade School Killing To: National Desk Contact: Aaron Zelman of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership [...]
Among 15.7% of gun defenders interviewed nationwide during The National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the defender believed that someone “almost certainly” would have died had the gun not been used for protection — a life saved by a privately held gun about once every 1.3 minutes. (In another [...]
Anti-Gunners Dancing In Fresh Blood
Anti-Gunners Dancing In Fresh Blood Neal Knox Update – Predictably, anti-gun politicians from Bill Clinton on down, have seized on the Michigan school shooting and yesterday’s racist killings at two Pennsylvania fast- food restaurants to demand passage of their current gun control proposals. Also predictably, Sens. Schumer, Durbin and Lautenberg hastily called a press conference [...]
Police Oppose More Gun Control!
Police Oppose More Gun Control! Why has the mainstream media led you to believe that working street-cops want more gun control when every poll of working cops taken in the last ten years has illustrated otherwise? ————————————————– Why would policemen oppose gun control you ask? (A) It’s because police officers see blatant unfairness in [...]