Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

from another excellent women’s shooter website!… =========== It’s The Criminals, Stupid The Message Bill Clinton Needs to Hear by Keeva Segal In the wake of the histrionics displayed by anti-gun Senators on the Senate Floor and the defection of one of our industry organizations to the side of ever more restrictive gun control, an [...]

March 1, 2000 Mea Andrews, Editorial Page Editor Missoulian Missoula, Montana VIA EMAIL Dear Mea, Bill Clinton, ever happy to dance in the blood of a dead, innocent child, crassly used the sad death of a Michigan child to call for unrelated restrictions on gun shows. He used the readily-provided media attention to call for [...]

Wish you lying liberals would get your facts straight. Do gooders care so much about others that they are willing to violate their Constitutional right to defend themselves. They know that the Concealed Carry states have significantly lower crime rates than those with the toughest gun laws. They know that deaths caused from changing car [...]

A night of Terror and no self defense weapon…. Gun Control creates Safe working environments by providing unarmed Victims! What do we blame here, Knife manufactures? Shall we ban knifes/Metal tools too? ================ KYLE ODEGARD Headlight-Herald Staff NETARTS – Darlene Parks, 74, is still afraid to go into her dream house, still has nightmares [...]

Neal Knox Update Feb 29

March 1, 2000

# Feb. 29 Neal Knox Update – Details are still sketchy about the first grade boy who killed a girl classmate in Michigan, but Dan Blather put HCI spokesman Naomi Paiss on to blame it on the parent who failed to properly store the gun. Local television was reporting in the early evening that [...]

Where would this woman be had her husband’s self defense weapon had locks on it…. —–Original Message—– From: [email protected] <[email protected]> To: Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 4:18 PM Subject: FYI–why gun locks, “safe” storage, and “smart” guns are a bad idea My friends, I want to tell you a true story, and I give you [...]

A board of my own

March 1, 2000

I finally decided to setup a board the more closely reflects my diverse interests. While I do not plan on taking anything away from any of the other boards I frequent, I would like to invite everyone to take a look. If you like what you see, please add to the conversation. Come to Check it out

A Good article on Citibank

February 29, 2000

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