Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category


February 20, 2000

I don’t trust something that bleeds once a month and besides women are dangerous enough without guns.

A link to John Lott Articles

February 19, 2000

Folks: For those who might be interested I have provided a link to the original research work of John Lott, the author of “Less Guns, More Crime.” Lott is a Ph.D. economist, who completed this work while on a fellowship at the University of Chicago. John Lott is currently on the faculty of Yale Law [...]

US Firearms Training

February 19, 2000

Post your links here: Front Sight, Las Vegas Nevada Greg Block, Huntington Beach, CA Thunder Ranch, Mountain Home, Texas Gunsite Academy Inc, Paulden, AZ. NRA Courses Near You: Learn To Shoot Safely And Correctly

Gun Proof Your Children!/Massad Ayoob’s Handgun Primer/2 Books in 1 Volume by Massad Ayoob ——————————————————————————– Customer Reviews If you have guns and kids you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! Reviewer: Gordon Kelley ( Oregon, USA November 8, 1999 As a parent, I’m extremely impressed with the common-sense approach of this book. I am very impressed [...]

Certified letter to Sarah Brady regarding mispresentation of statistics and paraphrasing of NRA “Eddie Eagle” safety program on Handgun Control Inc.’s web site From: William A. Levinson [personal address, E-mail, phone number were provided] To: Sarah Brady Handgun Control Inc. 1225 Eye Street NW #1100 Washington, DC 20005 certified mail, return receipt requested Item Z [...]

fair Use: published in the 2/16/00 Missoulian, Missoula, Montana Earth to Democratic Presidential Wannabes: Guns are not Cars by H. Sterling Burnett Former Senator Bill Bradley has called for registering all handguns and licensing gun owners just like we do cars and drivers. Al Gore, Bradley’s rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, has countered with [...]


February 19, 2000

As a child I had no exposure to guns at all. In fact I distinctly remember my mom saying “why get a gun that’s what the police are for” Now I am a certified Hunter Education Instructor for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Why the change? I was in a very violent first marriage, [...]

fair use: My Transformation From Anti-Gun Feminist To Armed Feminist By Katherine von Tour GOA Member ? 1999 Most people who support the Second Amendment have probably wondered at one time or another how to change the thinking of anti-gunners. Since I was once a staunch gun-control proponent, including being a member of Handgun Control [...]

Annie Get Your Brain

February 18, 2000

<b>Annie, <P> You are most likely a male..<br> Pardon me, make that a wishy washy, lightweight, pantyline, pocketbook toting liberal.<P> Many ladies like myself are not married, live alone and enjoy the security of a fully loaded 45 calbiur semiauto pistol ..We’ll take that any day over risking our lives on a 911 call. <P> [...]

The Armed Citizen (Americans with Guns, oh my!) Constitution News Keywords: GUNS, NRA, GUN CONTROL, CONSTITUTION, SELF DEFENSE, SECOND AMENDMENT Source: NRA Published: Feb. 2000 Author: NRA Posted on 02/17/2000 19:28:38 PST by RogueIsland February 2000 A wary deer hunter took the precaution of placing his .357 Mag. handgun within easy reach before bedding down [...]

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