Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
A Victim of gun Control – Gun Control kills!
I’ll make a long story short.Me and my wife helped prosecute a child rapist.That put our lives in danger,because the guilty are related to us so from that you can tell that they know everything about us.We are 20 so in Tennessee we can’t obtain a permitt to carry a concealed weapon. I have spoke [...]
Gun Control —–
Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
Lettr to my Anti Gun Friends
Letter to My Anti-Gun Friends by Angel Shamaya Dear Anti-Gun Friends, I’ve finally figured out that my struggle to “convert you” is wrong. Instead of seeking to understand your position, I’ve tried to force my beliefs on you. I’m now realizing that each of our goals is truly about peace, so I am raising [...]
A Cuban Aamerican responds to anti self defense cuban rep from NJ
Dear Congressman Menendez: As American born citizen of Cuban descent, who lives in New Jersey, I am extremely disappointed with your position on Gun Control. Apparently you have a short memory or you have forgotten what happened in Cuba. Fidel Castro instituted gun control/gun confiscation when he came to power and we all know what [...]
Andy get your gun……
Source: National Review Published: February 21, 2000 Author: Andrew Stuttaford I didn?t want to be Bernie Goetz. I just wanted a handgun. Legally. Something to keep at home. A move within Manhattan had taken me away from the comforts of doorman security (you know how it is). A little extra protection seemed prudent, 911 calls [...]
Didn’t want y’all to be missin’ me …
I’ve just been busy arming myself with some other statistics to fire off to you in response to all the rhetoric. Gotta trip that trigger, ya know. Have a grand one — all you Nancys! From the hip, Annie
The First National Stupid American Gun Fact Self-Test
guns kids and schools – The Facts That media WON’T tell you
The Fallacy Of Gun Control
An excellent read by a Utah LEO….