Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Perils Of Gun Licensing
In the February 21, 2000 issue of NATIONAL REVIEW Andrew Stuttaford has a fine essay describing the hoops he had to jump through in New York City for a permit to simply have a handgun in his home. His essay describes a bureaucracy designed to make it as cumbersome as possible for people to acquire [...]
Tennessee Firearms Association Anoouncement..
—–Original Message—– From: Rich Mason To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: John Harris <Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 11:49 PM Subject: [tennfirearmsassoc] TFALAC Mailing to TN State Legislators >I extend my personal thanks to Charlie Curry for his tremendous efforts of >this week in getting out a mailing to every elected member of the Tennessee >General Assembly. [...]
My letter to Levi’s
I was ACROMONIOUS about the wording of this company’s on line petition. I have asked all 18 members of my lobbying cell to send similar messages to this firm. I will NEVER purchase another Levi’s product for myself or my family again! To whom it concerns: Having rid my household of all Levi Strauss products, [...]
negligence tossed out in gun suit…..
Negligence tossed out in gun suit By Todd Lighty Tribune Staff Writer February 10, 2000 Dealing a blow to Mayor Richard Daley’s lawsuit against the firearms industry, a Cook County judge Thursday dismissed a key element of the suit that accused gun manufacturers and dealers of negligence. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Schiller ruled from the [...]
And a win for CO…..
Your Actions = 1 Dead Bill Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Colorado Legislative Update — February 11, 2000 HB 1242 is dead thanks to your hard work and action! The bill was killed in committee this morning by a vote [...]
Utah: One Down – Way to go!
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Utah Legislative Update — February 10, 2000 The Good News: Your letters, faxes, e-mails, and postcards are working! Thanks to you, HB 174, Public Safety Fee Increases (Chard) was killed in the House yesterday. Let’s [...]
Liscensing Our Dignity
Visit Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership | More on the Second Amendment Licensing Our Dignity By Timothy Wheeler, MD Appeared in the February 6, 2000 edition of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review | Will appear in the San Diego Union-Tribune On a crisp October night in 1995, a Southern California man was raped. Walking home with bags [...]
Dr. Ed Suter’s “Goldilocks Gun Control”
Suter writes, “Some guns are ‘too big’ (‘assault weapons’); some guns are ‘too small’ (handguns). Some ammunition penetrates ‘too much’ (armor piercing ammo); some ammunition penetrates ‘too little’ (‘hyperdestructive’ hollow point ammo). Some guns are ‘too inaccurate’ (‘Saturday Night Specials’); some guns are ‘too accurate’ (scoped hunting rifles or ‘sniper rifles’ that don’t give Bambi [...]
A Nation of Cowards (part 1)
| BY Jeffrey R. Snyder OUR SOCIETY has reached a pinnacle of self-expression and respect for individuality rare or unmatched in history. Our entire popular culture — from fashion magazines to the cinema — positively screams the matchless worth of the individual, and glories in eccentricity, nonconformity, independent judgment, and self-determination. This enthu- siasm is [...]
Texas Fish and game Support Lawsuit
“Texas Fish & Game” which is Texas most popular hunting and fishing magazine, will be featuring an article in their March 2000 issue, over the Civil Liberties Defense Foundation lawsuit against the Cities and Mayors that are suing the gun manufacturers. Here is a sneak preview of that article: “The plaintiff’s suit alleges that [...]