Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Arizona House Caves In To Anti-gunners — Preemption bill pulled in protest – Immediate Action: Hamm
Arizona House Caves In To Anti-gunners — Preemption bill pulled in protest Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Immediate Action: Hammer The Sell-outs! February 3, 2000 To all GOA activists in Arizona: With the full support of GOA and Brassroots, Inc. [...]
senate rejects Anti bankruptcy Amend…..
I likethe part where Ruger was commended for his anti-legal sales at gun shows policy. I will never believe that Ruger is anything but a pragmatic business man who wants to make money and keep his business, no matter who’s ass he has to kiss or who’s interests he has to betray, even his own. [...]
UPS Boycott – Labels > | I received an interesting e-mail from Roger with a great suggestion to label your USPS packages with a “BOYCOTT UPS” message. I got excited and wanted to recommend it. In addition, you can find a label for download at There are a variety of graphics that you are welcom to [...]
OR: OFF alert
OREGON FIREARMS FEDERATION PO BOX 556 Canby OR 97013 503-263-5830 <> 2/3/00 Wyden’s Anti-Gun Vote, Metro’s and Vera Katz’s Attack On Gun Rights, Ballot Measure Update. WYDEN. The Levin Amendment to S. 625, a Federal Bankruptcy Bill, was defeated yesterday by a vote of 68 to 29. The amendment provided that, if a judge entered [...]
SAS online petition – SIGN IT!
If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, please sign this petition and forward this e-mail to as many people as your know. Thanks! ==== The Second Amendmenr Sisters have created an online petition against gun control to be submitted at the rally in DC on Mother’s Day.
Gun Owners of America Fax/Email Alert
Gun Owners of America Fax/Email Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, Virginia 22151 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Utah Legislative Update — February 4, 2000 Your cards, letters, faxes and postcards have the capitol buzzing! Governor “Gun Control” Leavitt is up in arms, worried that his anti-gun agenda is in danger. Now, like a [...]
Congress is unlikely to OK Clinton plan to license gun owners
The proposal, presented in the State of the Union, may fare better on the campaign trail than on Capitol Hill. By Chris Mondics INQUIRER WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON – President Clinton’s proposal to license handgun buyers is by far his most ambitious to date on gun control. But with Congress on record as opposing all but [...]
Assault gun bill triggers thoughts of self-protection
February 03, 2000 Yeehaaa! Good ol’ boys, and a few good ol’ gals, charged for the town meeting hall. Nicotine mixed with frustration and fiery speeches outside of Hollywood City Hall on Tuesday night. Ooo-weee. Pickup trucks stretched fer as the eye could see. Why all the fuss? Well, state legislators were hashing out the [...]
How to ruin gun makers
Senate shoots down firearms industry bankruptcy amendment ——————————————————————————– By Jon E. Dougherty ? 2000 An amendment that would have prohibited gun manufacturers from seeking bankruptcy protection if a court found them liable in any one of over two dozen civil lawsuits failed substantially in roll call vote on the Senate floor yesterday. The amendment, [...]
Gun control battles brewing
By Martin Finucane, Associated Press, 2/3/2000 00:03 BOSTON (AP) Pro-gun activists say the state’s ban on gun sales from people’s homes is snuffing out a legitimate business for no good reason, and they’re going to fight it. Michael Yacino, executive director of the Gun Owners’ Action League, whose group planned to file a lawsuit in [...]