Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
If You Want to Stop a Killer,You Have to Speak His Language
by Robert W. Lee In Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control (1997), Florida State University criminologist Dr. Gary Kleck observes that “most defensive uses of guns do not in fact involve shooting anyone…. More commonly, guns are merely pointed at another person, or perhaps only referred to ? or displayed, and this is sufficient to [...]
Why gun licensing works Within hours of the State of the Union address last week, President Clinton’s call to license firearm owners was attracting all manner of criticism. Among the most common: that licensing is unconstitutional and impractical; that it is prelude to gun registration and an eventual ban on gun ownership; that it won’t [...]
You can?t license freedom-By Wayne LaPierre
You can’t license the Bill of Rights. Our Founders couldn’t have imagined such chilling conceit. How can a government appoint itself Supreme Dispenser of the very freedoms the writers of the Constitution said were God-given? It can’t. That’s why Americans will not tolerate a government that tries to license the Second Amendment. No more than [...]
Should the oath of office be changed?
Jewish World Review Feb. 2, 2000 /28 Shevat, 5760 Walter Williams — MEMBERS OF CONGRESS take a sworn oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” and “bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” I’m guessing that if congressmen actually “bore true faith and [...]
WA Girls, where are you?
Do you want to meet, train, and do something about this stuff?????
Eight lawmakers receive e-mail threat on gun bills
‘You want a war, we’ll gladly give you one,’ note warns; CBI, State Patrol seeking author By Lynn Bartels Denver Rocky Mountain News Capitol Bureau ——————————————————————————– State police are investigating an e-mail that threatens eight legislators the anonymous author perceives as wanting tighter gun laws. The missive is one of thousands of e-mails, letters, faxes [...]
Have Gun? Will Travel (Time Magazine actually a bit unbiased?)
Criminals are afraid to arm themselves in a Virginia city that simply enforced the law BY ELAINE SHANNON/RICHMOND Not long ago, Edward sold crack cocaine for a living. He considered himself a businessman and made businesslike calculations of risk and reward. He was afraid rival dealers might try to rob him of his drugs or [...]
Never Used, Law Boosts Gun Suit
Tom Schoenberg Legal Times January 31, 2000 The D.C. government might have a secret weapon in its battle with the gun industry: an existing law that says gun makers and dealers can be held financially responsible for injuries or deaths caused by their products. The District, which sued the industry on Jan. 20, is the [...]
Senate supports strong background checks
By Mike Soraghan Denver Post Capitol Bureau Feb. 2 – The Colorado Senate handed the National Rifle Association a defeat Tuesday, endorsing a strong criminal background check that could block some people from buying guns even when they’re eligible. The senators weighed what state workers should do during an instant background check when computer records [...]
Group targets gun safety
‘Proactive’ group promotes responsible firearm handling ——————————————————————————– By Harry Hitzeman STAFF WRITER A newly formed group aims to educate Naperville residents about firearm safety. “We want to look at ourselves as a proactive as opposed to a reactive organization,” said Art Jablonski, interim president of the Naperville Citizens for Responsible Firearm Ownership. Jablonski said the [...]