Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
When only criminals have guns…..
This won’t be *me* at the cash machine. Tell me, do you think this criminal got his gun at a gun show? I mean, his car wasn’t obtained legally! DARK CITY by Charles Mudede Crime Wave/Beacon Hill/Tues Jan 11/8:08 pm: A man was trying to get some cash out of a malfunctioning ATM machine on [...]
From – 2A & Self defense
Our Bill of Rights does not grant rights, it preserves and guarantees pre-existing individual rights. How do we know this? The Ninth Amendment states: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” In other words, we have other rights beyond what is [...]
World’s Smallest Self Defense Quiz Check this out, Print it out and give to anyone who wants to argue with you about self defense… Guarnteed to change a few minds
John Adams on Self defense
“Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would.” — John Adams, Boston Gazette, Sept. [...]
Creating hysteria over guns John Lott Jr.
Creating hysteria over guns <<…>> John Lott Jr. The concern about violence in public schools has quickly turned into hysteria. Fanned by politicians, notably President Clinton, and the media, what may have begun as misguided but reasonable concerns over safety has ignited into an implacable and unreasoned hatred of guns, or indeed anything that looks [...]
Utah: Threat to concealed carry
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Utah legislative alert — January 31, 1999 Dear Utah gun rights supporter: On Tuesday, February 1st, the House Education Committee is scheduled to hear HB 248. This dangerous bill treats concealed weapons permit holders like [...]
What’s More Important Than the Superbowl?
From “Nealz Nuz” at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE SUPER BOWL? TRY THIS It happened in Jacksonville last week. A store clerk removed a would-be robber from the gene pool. Now it’s happened in Atlanta…right outside the offices of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, right before the Super Bowl. An AJC security guard watched a [...]
We owe Bill Clinton a big “Thank You”.
By pleading with Congess to enact legislation that would require the licensing of handgun purchasers Bill Clinton has: #1 given a lot of gunnies the incentive to get off their rear ends and get involved in the movement; #2 given gunnies an incentive to vote for the Republican presidential candidate; and #3 if his proposal [...]
Washington Members!
Please email me regarding those meetings we talked about before the new year, I may have some perks for ya.
Where the candidates stand on concealed carry
ON THE ISSUES: Concealed weapons Copyright ? 2000 Nando Media Copyright ? 2000 Associated Press From Time to Time: Nando’s in-depth look at the 20th century (January 30, 2000 6:49 p.m. EST – The presidential candidates’ positions on whether law-abiding citizens should be able to carry concealed guns: DEMOCRATS: Bill Bradley: “We should take [...]