Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Clinton Seeks to License Handgun Buyers
Updated 11:04 PM ET January 27, 2000 By Randall Mikkelsen WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Clinton on Thursday proposed licenses for handgun buyers as part of his goal to make America “the safest big country in the world.” “Every state in this country already requires hunters and automobile drivers to have a license. I think they [...]
Excellent 2A article SHOWDOWN Liberal Legal Scholars Are Supporting The Right to Bear Arms. But Will Historians Shoot Them Down? BY CHRIS MOONEY As a self-described liberal Democrat and supporter of many gun-control measures, the University of Texas law professor Sanford Levinson has mixed feelings about having his academic work cited in Shotgun News and posted on [...]
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Courses–Washington State
Heads up girls. These seminars cover all aspects of how not to be a victim, the use of all types of deterrents and training, and other ways not to be victimized. Judi Holly is teaching it in Puyallup on Feb 5 and March 4. She can be contacted at [email protected] I’ll be going to one [...]
Anyone looking for a new job???
Handgun Control, Inc seeks a president who will help to make gun control a pivotal issue in local, state and national elections and lawmaking in the year 2000 and beyond. The president will provide organizational and programmatic leadership to the board and staff, develop strategies leading to the increased effectiveness of the organizations and the [...]
Facts About the People Disarming You or Making YOU a criminal
Who are they? 29 Have been accuse of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad checks 117 have bankrupt at leat two businesses 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 3 have been arrested for assault 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 [...]
No more Portland Gun Shows?
Metro may ask to end gun shows at the Expo A staff member tells the recreation commission of crimes at seven gun shows Thursday, January 20, 2000 ——————————————————————————– By Roger Anthony of The Oregonian staff A policy adviser for Metro Executive Mike Burton told the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission on Wednesday that Metro might request that [...]
Careful Wisconsin!
Doyle urges fight against gun lobbyists By Kevin Murphy Special to the Journal Sentinel Last Updated: Jan. 26, 2000 Madison – Attorney General James Doyle on Wednesday encouraged an anti-gun violence task force to take a stand against handgun lobbyists who oppose restrictions on firearms. “A lot of people feel very frustrated because they see [...]
Ga: Gov. Barnes endorses anti self defense bill
Legislative Alert/URGENT: Immediate Action Needed Gun Control Warning Issued for Georgia Atlanta Wednesday, January 26, 2000 – Citizens for Safe Government, Inc. (CSG), the largest gun owners association based in Georgia, has issued a statewide gun control warning, effective immediately. The action followed a signal yesterday that Gov. Roy Barnes is backing SB 308, the [...]
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization LEVI STRAUSS SUPPORTING GUN GRABBERS January 26, 2000 Levi Strauss, the makers of the jeans we are so fond of buying, is taking your money and contributing heavily to PAX. PAX is an organization circulating a petition to broaden the reach [...]
Misdemeanor Gun Ban Resurfaces — Your Gun Rights Endangered Gun Owners of America Fax/Email Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, Virginia 22151 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Maine Legislative Alert — January 26, 2000 The Maine legislature has begun its second scheduled session, and of the thousands of bills in the hopper, only certain [...]