Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
More on the British Utopian Gun Free Zone
Gun gang trailed robbery victims by Justin Davenport Crime Correspondent A couple were robbed by masked gunmen outside their West End home after apparently being trailed from Harry’s Bar. Today police warned that the organisation and use of guns in the attack mark a “worrying new level” of robbery in London. They believe the gang [...]
Important Supreme Court Rulings
From the AZRKBA list: ———————————- Here are seldom mentioned Supreme Court rulings of vast importance: Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105: “No State shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and charge a fee therefor.” Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham Alabama, 373 US 262: “If the State converts a right (liberty) into a [...]
Small example of gun control
Here is the San Diego Tribune’s crime watch page for one day. It is extremely unsettling that it is riddled with stories of armed criminals and unarmed victims.
Hypocrisy?Political BS? ANTI DEFENSE FOR THE POOR!
Andrew Cuomo says he might be in the hunt for governor SAVANNAH, N.Y. (AP) – Federal Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo bagged a couple of pheasants during a hunting expedition on Sunday, then trained his sights on the future. “I want to focus on the presidential (election), then look at all the options,” Cuomo said after [...]
Gun control dashes an olympic hopeful
Unintended consequence | Law appears to put `assault’ label on pistol of champion high school target shooter ——————————————————————————– David Hasemyer STAFF WRITER 16-Jan-2000 Sunday Lauren Santibanez | Sandy Santibanez Lauren Santibanez is a target shooter with Olympic aspirations and a collection of shiny gold medals attesting to her world-class skills. The 17-year-old Mt. Carmel High [...]
Just Another Day With Gun Control
Just Another Day With Gun Control January 16, 2000 by Jim Houck The movie I went to see today, at the request of my film managers, was Hurricane starring Denzel Washington. I write feature films. I write TV ads for the largest advertising agencies on earth for clients like Toyota, Ford, Sony and Coke. I [...]
HCI “Helps TV Scripts” Along with their message.
Cents, censorship, and videotape Massaging TV messages is business as usual By Betsy Streisand LOS ANGELES?After a national outbreak of righteous indignation and editorial-page scolding, the White House said last week that it will stop previewing scripts of prime-time TV programs to determine whether their antidrug messages reduce the need for public-service announcements. Instead, the [...]
Candidates on Gun Control
GUN CONTROL: Snapshot: The United States had 32,436 firearm deaths in 1997. Homicides are the second leading cause of gun deaths, behind suicide. Homicide handgun deaths fell to a 9-year low of 9,796 in 1997. Bauer: Enforce existing laws. Bradley: Supports mandatory licenses for handgun buyers and registration for their guns, as well as ban [...]
Anti Self Defense Quote of the Day
“The goal of CSGV is the orderly elimination of the private sale of handguns and assault weapons in the United States. CSGV seeks to ban handguns and assault weapons from importation, manufacture, sale and transfer by the general American public…”
Testimony of a Mom AGAINST gun control
Fighting Back The following is a transcription of Beth Caherty’s testimony before the Judicial Committee in Endanoplace, Maryland. It is reprinted here because it is a very powerful statement about the true nature and morality of gun control. “My name is Beth Caherty. I am a full-time, single mom, raising two terrific young children. I [...]