Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Worst of the century (T. Sowell)
The worst of the century — MANY INDIVIDUALS and groups will have their own lists of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century, but we also need to consider the most evil leaders and those most devastating in their consequences. Some may think that Adolf Hitler should win that title hands down. But the [...]
SFO Toy Ban?
DON’T TOY WITH HIM: Supervisor Mark Leno introduce legislation that would ban the sale of all toy guns in San Francisco. Current law prohibits the sale of realistic-looking toy guns, but has exempted, for example, those that are orange or yellow. However, there is fear that the colorful toy guns have been painted black to [...]
Australian Farmers Predicament Our Future?
The Queensland Weapons Licensing Branch has defended its decision to a refuse a semi-automatic gun licence to a grazier. Grazier Tony Kleaver, from Glenmorgan west of Toowoomba, wanted a semi-automatic gun licence to cull wild dogs which are killing his cattle. He is now threatening to clear 600 hectares of his property. But Weapon’s Licencing [...]
Did Gun Laws Save Harrison?
There are some great stats on Suicide and murder rates vs. gun laws included in this article!Jewish World Review Jan. 7, 2000/ 28 Teves, 5760 Larry Elder JWR’s Pundits World Editorial Cartoon Showcase Mallard Fillmore Michael Barone Mona Charen Linda Chavez David Corn Greg Crosby Larry Elder Don Feder Suzanne Fields Paul Greenberg Bob Greene [...]
Lawsuits Attack the Innocent
By Robert W. Tracinski The Crimson White U. Alabama (U-WIRE) TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The mayors of our big cities are launching a massive class-action lawsuit, demanding that firearms manufacturers pay for gun-related deaths caused by violent criminals. It is the gunmakers, the mayors say, who must be held accountable for such crimes. This suit is [...]
Ladies, A group called the Million Moms is planning to stage a demonstration on Mother’s Day, May 14, 2000 in Washington D.C. Their goal is to get a million women to come to the capital and demand more restrictions on our right to bear arms. For them, this includes “registration of all handguns” and “licensing [...]
WAGC in Latest Edition of GunFax
WAGC is featured in the latest edition of GunFax, a free newsletter devoted to firearms and the 2nd Amendment. Check it out! I met the creator of GunFax at a gun show in November. I think he can do a lot with this newsletter. This is only his 2nd edition! Printable versions can also [...]
AP Picks up Bias Story and HCI Responds.
Responds with no point, no meaning, just mindless dribble, I might add.Media biased on gun control, group charges Thursday, January 6, 2000 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — A conservative media group yesterday accused television networks of biased coverage of the gun control debate. The television networks are so badly spinning the gun control debate in [...]
Crack Shot Dies Defending home…..
But listen to the Senator’s comments……if he hand’t have acted, everyone would have been dead. Friends say robbery victim was outspoken crack shot by Karl Fischer and Scott Marshall Knight Ridder Newspapers ALAMO, Calif. – Friends of the man killed in a gun battle with two men who invaded his home remembered him yesterday as [...]
Ladies, a grim reminder.
My gal pal, a british woman who is considering the issue of firearms, since it was never an option to her before, was followed in a similar manner on a bus in Seattle. She came out unscathed.., this is one of the many reasons women should carry guns. Police free man, arrest another in stabbing [...]