Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

This is taken from todays Seattle times. Please note, this murderer, who did the well televised Shipyard Shooting in November, was a convicted criminal. Sure, if guns were banned, he couldn’t have committed robbery to get one, I suppose………but then again, if someone in that shipyard had been armed….Pistol is linked to suspect With last [...]

Biased Media Study

January 6, 2000

Study: Network News Spinning Gun Control Debate By Ben Anderson CNS Staff Writer 05 January, 2000 ( – Network television news programs are giving gun control advocates added ammunition in their battle for more restrictive anti-gun legislation, according to a new report released today. The two-year, in-depth study of network newscasts was conducted by the [...]

FAIR USE: ======= Accidental Deaths From Guns at (all time) Low Constitution News Source: Fort Worth(less) Startlegram (Sports Section p9D) Author: Bob Hood Posted on 01/06/2000 10:29:32 PST by harpu Accidental deaths by firearms during 1998 reached an all-time low of 900, the fewest since record-keeping began in 1903, according to a recently released report [...]

Stop MO Gun Ban -

January 6, 2000

I M M E D I A T E A C T I O N ! ! ! ! ! Your letter is written. Email addresses are provided. Fill their mailboxes TODAY. Thanks to a post on the GOA email list it has come to my attention the the State of Missouri is attempting “assault [...]

Lawsuits Threaten Democracy

January 6, 2000

Fair use: Finally, one liberal tells it like it is…. ——————————————- ROBERT REICH SAYS JUSTICE DEPT. LAWSUITS THREATEN DEMOCRACY The Clinton administration is making “blatant end-runs around the democratic process” in pursuing lawsuits against tobacco companies and gunmakers, says former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. And he warns liberals that “You might approve the outcomes in [...]

Fair use; Relishing guarantee of unarmed victims Heavy spot zoning of gun control pinpoints perfect prey for criminals C. D. The life-lesson began with the armed holdup of a Domino’s delivery man in the adjacent Fort Belvoir neighborhood. This was in the late 1970s, when our family lived outside Washington DC and I was [...]

This article should be saved and given to every hunter who isn’t active in stopping gun control laws because his rifle isn’t an “assault” weapon. —– Two Dealers Halt Sale of Hunting Rifles Source: Los Angeles Times Published: 1-6-2000 Author: Carl Ingram SACRAMENTO–Fearful that they could be accused of selling outlawed assault weapons, two major [...]

Registries don’t quite register Rob Morse EXAMINER COLUMNIST Wednesday, January 5, 2000 ——————————————————————————– WELL, THAT’S the way to start the first week of the millen nium. I took Monday off to get a smog check. Not just to get a smog check, of course. I also had to get a reality check after working New [...]

When we live in a world like this….Family members hurt while rebuffing apparent robbery by Knight Ridder Newspapers and The Associated Press ALAMO, Calif. – A family fought back against two home invaders with everything from frying pans to a handgun in a battle that ended with the father and one suspect dead and three [...]

Food for thought……

January 6, 2000

And some good analogy…..Posted at 06:54 a.m. Pacific; Wednesday, January 5, 2000 Guest columnist Social-service strategies prevent crime by Paul Shoemaker Special to The Times In recent years, violent crime in America has steadily declined – by over 20 percent the past six years. What an encouraging trend. I’ve listened to many reports on the [...]

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