Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category


December 17, 1999

############## December 16, 1999 HUD misfires Kenneth D.Smith He was in a hurry to store his gun because he had friends coming over. But in his haste, the 23-year-old Massachusetts man pulled the trigger of his weapon while it was pointing at his abdomen and shot himself into an estimated $35,000 in medical bills and [...]

Fair Use: Calif. Gun Sales Up in Past Weeks .c The Associated Press SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – With a new gun-control law taking effect next month, state officials say there has been a boom in firearms sales across the state in the past few weeks. “Everybody is trying to get it while they can,” said [...]

—–Original Message—– From: Steven To: Tampa Bay Member Council <[email protected]> Date: Friday, December 17, 1999 5:42 PM Subject: Committee Against Gun Control to Resist County Gun Control >Member Council of Tampa Bay – > >MEDIA RELEASE – IMMEDIATE 16 December 1999 > >MEDIA CONTACT: STEVEN J. GREENWALD / (305) 460-2254 > > >COMMITTEE AGAINST [...]

“We find that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crimes and it appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. If those states which did not have right-to-carry concealed gun provisions had adopted them in 1992, approximately 1,570 murders; 4,177 rapes; and over 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided yearly. The estimated [...]

Dear Abby’s advise……

December 15, 1999

From today’s Deseret News, “Life” section. I suspect such advice will become more common. Some letters to Dear Abby, or even the editor of your local paper may be order. While a potentially unattended purse could pose a hazard to ill-trained children, keeping a gun on your person (in a pocket in this case) is [...]

GRSC Update

December 15, 1999

Friends, This month we concern ourselves with the question, “When is Range Protection NOT Range Protection?” Most anti gun legislation has a title that sounds good. How can you possibly oppose a “Juvenile Justice” or “Child Safety” bill? Are you such a cretin that you want juvenile injustice or child endangerment? Of course not! The [...]

My Kinda Santa ;-)

December 14, 1999

OREGON FIREARMS FEDERATION PO BOX 556 CANBY OR. 97013 503-263-5830 <> Dec. 14 1999 Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative Update: “Oregon Gun Owners” anti-gun ballot initiative has received a draft ballot title. It follows: “Increases Firearm Transactions Requiring Background Checks; Changes Other Firearms Laws” As with Senator Ginny Burdick’s anti-gun efforts, you, once again, have ten business [...]

“Legitimate Purposes”.

December 14, 1999

We all know the stance of HCI. This is a friendly reminder to all of us just how serious this issue is. This group does not consider the preservation of human life to be a legitimate purpose to own a firearm. From their website…Gun Measures We Don?t Support Banning guns Handgun Control, Inc., has never [...]

Truthful numbers

December 14, 1999

Number of physicians in the US -700,000 Accidental deaths caused /year – 120,000 Accidental deaths/physician = 0.171 Number of gun owners in the US =80,000,000 Number of accidental gun deaths/year (all age groups) =1,500 Accidental deaths/gun owner =0.0000188 Therefore, Doctors are approximately 9000 times more dangerous than gun owners

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