Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Glendening Outlines Gun-Control Agenda – Built-In Locks, Innovative Technology Part of Governor’s Le
Fair Use: Original at: > Glendening Outlines Gun-Control Agenda Built-In Locks, Innovative Technology Part of Governor’s > Legislative Package > > By Matthew Mosk > Washington Post Staff Writer > Tuesday, November 30, 1999; Page B02 > > Gov. Parris N. Glendening announced yesterday that he has settled on a > road map for [...]
Medical errors kill tens of thousands annually
Next time someone starts telling you about all the people guns kill have them look at the following CNN site! Here’s a qoute from it, read the whole article it’s interesting. “…The report from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine cited studies showing between 44,000 and 98,000 people die each year because of [...]
Johnny’s Got His Gun In Oregon
Johnny’s got his gun in Oregon Saturday, November 20, 1999 By David Reinhard A teen wielding a gun . . . The phrase takes the breath away these days — and sets many knees to jerking and tongues to wagging for ever more gun-control laws. But an Oregon teen wielding a gun in Lebanon last [...]
Mayors Face Lawsuit Filed Tuesday by Gun Owner Group News Release Second Amendment Foundation 12500 NE Tenth Place ? Bellevue, WA 98005 (425) 454-7012 ? FAX (425) 451-3959 ? For Immediate Release Contact: Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012 MAYORS FACE LAWSUIT FILED TUESDAY BY GUN OWNER GROUP WASHINGTON, DC (Tuesday, November 30, 1999) – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), a firearms civil rights [...]
PA alert: Lock Up your Safety )part 1 may become law
PENNSYLVANIA RED ALERT: Lock Up Your Safety (part 1) may become law Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 November 29, 1999 Dear Pennsylvania gun rights supporter: I’ve got bad news: Your self-defense gun rights are in grave danger. PLEASE– RIGHT AWAY– [...]
Media Create False Impression That Juvenile Crime in on rise by Vincent Schiraldi LA Times
Fair Use: Media create false impression that juvenile crime is on rise By VINCENT SCHIRALDI For the Los Angeles Times Recently, as it has every fall since 1993, the Justice Department announced a significant 11 percent decline in serious and violent juvenile crime over the previous year — double the per- centage of decline in [...]
Ca waiting pds and their lack of effect on Crime
Clayton Cramer has an excellent monograph showing the evolution of the California waiting period from one day in 1923 to 15 days in 1975, and its complete lack of effect on crime rates (in fact, crime rates rose faster than outside California).
The Last Line of Defense By Robert J Cottrol Fair Use: The Last Line of Defense The right to bear arms is a matter of individual safety and, ultimately, freedom. The issue goes far beyond gun nuts. By ROBERT J. COTTROL The central premise of the gun control movement is that society becomes more civilized when the citizen surrenders the means of self-defense, [...]
dial 911 and die
Fairuse: Dial 911 and Die by Richard W. Stevens With an Introduction by James Bovard Author of Lost Rights and Freedom in Chains Scuttle the Scam: A Slick New Way To Destroy “Gun Control” “Gun control” survives as an idea because most Americans believe one single myth: “You don?t need a gun because the [...]
A Boycott for Texans
Got this from a WAGC member in Texas…. Grapevine mills mall in Grapevine Texas does not allow conceal weapons in the Mall. They have signs posted on the doors. I called the mall office and was told that they will stop anyone they think is carring and have them searched by the police and arrested. [...]