Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Time to bust up Bloomberg-Schumer New York axis of firearms hate,
…….says American gun law expert Washington, DC 20036 February 8 2007 Gun rights expert John M. Snyder released the following column today: The report this week that the U.S. Department of Justice is rapping the knuckles of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for conducting sting operations that fall within the jurisdiction of federal agents comes [...]
None of the firearms were registered.
None of the firearms were registered. Date: Feb 9, 2007 9:28 AM PUBLICATION: The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon) DATE: 2007.02.09 EDITION: Final SECTION: Local PAGE: A5 COLUMN: Local in Brief SOURCE: The StarPhoenix WORD COUNT: 134 ———————————————————————— ——– Nipawin-area grow-op shut down by police ———————————————————————— ——– A Nipawin-area marijuana grow-op was shut down this week by RCMP, [...]
Alex Jones on Gun Control – Great video!
Anchorage, Alaska Mayor leaves Bloomberg’s gun control group
Anchorage, Alaska Mayor leaves Bloomberg’s gun control group Date: Feb 8, 2007 7:23 PM Guarding Second Amendment rights was not a part of mayors’ coalition This is in response to some recent questions about my involvement in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition. I recently withdrew my name from the coalition after initially agreeing [...]
VA-ALERT: Feds Slap Bloomberg!
VA-ALERT: Feds Slap Bloomberg! Date: Feb 8, 2007 12:51 PM ———————————————————————- VCDL’s Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund — help fight Mayor Bloomberg’s scheme to cripple Virginia firearms dealers. See: ———————————————————————- To unsubscribe or change your email address, please follow the directions at the end of this message. ———————————————————————- Just in: the Federal Government has [...]
Cop who fired 9 bullets during domestic dispute gets probation
Cop who fired 9 bullets during domestic dispute gets probation Date: Feb 8, 2007 2:15 PM PUBLICATION: The Chronicle-Herald DATE: 2007.02.08 SECTION: Front PAGE: A1 BYLINE: Beverley Ware; Patricia Brooks Arenburgstaff Reporters ILLUSTRATION: Const. Adree Zahara was placed on probation for a yearWednesday after she pleaded guilty to a charge of careless use of a [...]
Don’t mess with Montana’s ranching and hunting heritage
Don’t mess with Montana’s ranching and hunting heritage The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control
Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control Date: Feb 7, 2007 11:22 PM Subject: Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control I enjoyed Steve Halbrook’s cogent response to Bernard Harcourt’s attempt to debunk the clear link between the Nazis and gun control. Steve states: “Rather than addressing every point [...]
Harper guns for safety
Harper guns for safety Date: Feb 7, 2007 10:24 AM PUBLICATION: The Calgary Sun DATE: 2007.02.07 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: 25 ILLUSTRATION: photo of STEPHEN HARPER BYLINE: KATHLEEN HARRIS, SUN MEDIA DATELINE: OTTAWA WORD COUNT: 247 ———————————————————————— ——– Harper guns for safety PM promises more crackdowns on crime, gangs across Canada ———————————————————————— ——– Canada’s [...]